Category Archives: Niedziałkowski

The Polish Parish of Pałuki

In the 18th Century, my Niedziałkowski ancestors lived in the village of Klonowo in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The parish to which the Klonowo belonged was in Pałuki, just a short distance to the sowthwest of Klonowo. The Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa … Continue reading

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The Polish Village of Klonowo

Now that I’ve found that my Niedziałkowski ancestors lived in the village of Klonowo in the 18th century, I’ve begun to find out what I can about the village. The Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (The Geographical … Continue reading

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A Plan to Find My Niedziałkowski Ancestors

I spent most of today working on one of the courses I’m taking through the National Institute for Genealogical Studies (Methodology – Part 5: How To Prove It) .  One of the assignments was to describe a problem we are having … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal, Niedziałkowski | 5 Comments

My Second Cousin Liliana is in Town!

My second cousin Liliana is in town!  She and her husband Valery are in San Francisco for a wedding and I surprised them by meeting them at San Francisco International Airport and bringing them to their hotel.  We spent a … Continue reading

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Descendants of Walenty Niedziałkowski

Generation No. 1 1 .  WALENTY NIEDZIAŁKOWSKI was born in about 1610 the Polish-Lithuanian Commonweath. The child of WALENTY NIEDZIAŁKOWSKI was: i .  ANDRZEJ NIEDZIAŁKOWSKI was born in about 1640 in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and died in 1695 in the … Continue reading

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The Death and Burial of Tomasz Niedziałkowski – 1826

My great-great-great-great grandfather, Tomasz Niedziałkowski, died in 1826 .  His was the 52nd death in the Krasne Parish that year. The Death Record for Tomasz Niedziałkowski Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record for … Continue reading

Posted in Chodkowski, Niedziałkowski | Tagged | 1 Comment

The Marriage of Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chotkowska

My great-great-great-great grandparents, Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chotkowsa were married in 1785 in the Church in Krasne, Poland. Theirs was the 20th marriage in Krasne that year. Continue reading

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The Birth of Józef Niedziałkowski

While in Salt Lake City a week ago, I found the Baptismal Record for Józef Niedziałkowski, born in 1801 in Mosaki Godacze .  He is the son of my great-great-great-great grandparents, Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chodkowska .  The record of his baptism is … Continue reading

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The Birth of Anna Niedziałkowska – 1798

While searching for the records of children of my great-great-great-great grandparents, Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chotkowska, I found the Baptismal Record Anna Niedziałkowska, born in 1798 in Mosaki Godacze. The record of her baptism is the second record on page 167 of the Book of Baptisms of the Krasne Church 1781-1807. Continue reading

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The Birth of Jan Wojciech Niedziałkowski – 1797

While searching for the records of children of my great-great-great-great grandparents, Tomasz Niedziałkowski and Cecylia Chodkowska, I found the Baptismal Record Jan Wojciech Niedziałkowski, born in 1797 in Mosaki Godacze. The record of his baptism is the second record on page 160 of the Book of Baptisms of the Krasne Church 1781-1807. Continue reading

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