Category Archives: Niedziałkowski

The Baptism of Marianna Niedziałkowska – 1725

Marianna Niedziałkowski, daughter of Mateusz Krzysztof Niedziałkowski and Konstancja Żaboklicka, was born in Klonowo, Ciechanów Ziemia, Mazovia Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and was baptized on 14 September 1725 in Pałuki, Ciechanów Ziemia, Mazovia Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Baptismal Record of Marianna … Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Kazimierz Niedziałkowski – 1722

Kazimierz Niedziałkowski, son of Mateusz Krzysztof Niedziałkowski and Konstancja Żaboklicka, was born on 27 February 1722 in Klonowo, Ciechanów Ziemia, Mazovia Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth .  He was baptized on 01 Mar 1722 in Pałuki, Ciechanów Ziemia, Mazovia Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. … Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Klara Niedziałkowska – 1727

Klara Niedziałkowska, daughter of Mateusz Krzysztof Niedziałkowski and Konstancja Żaboklicka was born on about 05 August 1727 in Klonowo, Ciechanów Ziemia, Mazovia Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth .  She was baptized on 05 August 1727 in Pałuki, Ciechanów Ziemia, Mazovia Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian … Continue reading

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The Death and Burial of Ignacy Niedziałkowski – 1718

On 28 Apr 1805, my 5th great grandfather, Ignacy Niedziałkowski, died. I copied this record from the microfilm at my local Family History Center on my way home from work on Wednesday night. Continue reading

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The Baptism of Ignacy Niedziałkowski – 1718

On 13 Feb 1718, my 5th great grandfather, Ignacy Niedziałkowski, was baptized. Continue reading

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The Baptism of Martina Anna Niedziałkowska – 1853

On 30 Jan 1753 Martina Anna Niedziałkowska, the sister of my 4th great grandfather, was baptized. The Baptismal Record of Martina Anna Niedziałkowska – 1753 SOURCE: Parafia Św. Gotarda (Pałuki, Ciechanów County, Mazovian Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). Liber Baptisatorum, ab Anno … Continue reading

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The Baptism of Tomasz Niedziałkowski – 1750

Way back on February 3rd, 2007, I wrote about my plan to find my Niedziałkowski ancestors. Then, on June 21st, Agnieszka left a comment on that post, saying: Hi Steve. I come from a neighboring village of your ancestors. The … Continue reading

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The Polish Surnames in My Family Tree

In grade school I always enjoyed the day that came every year when our teachers would ask what our mothers’ maiden names were. My mother’s maiden surname – Niedziałkowski – always got everyone’s attention because it was so unusual. My … Continue reading

Posted in Chodkowski, Daily Journal, Dymek, Dziurzyński, Głowacz, Goliński, Iwaniec, Izbicki, Markiewicz, Niedziałkowski, Pszczółkowski, Skowroński, Sowa, Tropiło | 2 Comments

The Polish Village and Gmina of Bartołdy

After Agnieszka told me that the correct spelling of my Niedziałkowski ancestors’ parish was Pałuki, I learned that my 4th great grandfather, Tomasz Niedziałski, lived in the tiny village of Klonowo. Recently, I translated the brief entries for both Pałuki … Continue reading

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The Sona River in Poland

The Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) described Klonowo, the ancestral village of my Niedziałkowski ancestors, as being on the Sona River. The Słownik Geograficzny also has … Continue reading

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