My mother, Jane Niedzialkowski Danko, was born on October 6, 1922 . She would be 84 years old on Friday, but she died at age 57 . At her birth, she was given the name Jennie Niedzialkowski, but she used the name Jane for most of her life . Here are some photographs of my mother in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s.
About 1927 – Sky Farm
Jane Niedzialkowski (third from the right in the middle row)
Fred Niedzialkowski (second from the left in the front row)
1934 – First Communion
Ray Niedzialkowski and Jane Niedzialkowski
1942 – Worcester, Massachusetts
Kostanty Niedzialkowski (Pa) and Jane Niedzialkowski
May 22, 1947 – Wedding Day
Frank and Jane (Niedzialkowski) Danko