The Polish Village of Borze

My Borski ancestors lived in the Polish village of Borze, specifically in the section of Borze known as Borze marcisze. The maps of the 3rd Military Mapping Survey of Austria-Hungary show the locations (highlighted by a black box) of Borze and its parish Gzy. Borze marciszne is not specifically shown on this map.

Austrian Military Map of Borze and Gzy

Austrian Military Map of Borze

SOURCE: 3rd Military Mapping Survey of Austria-Hungary, Sheet 39-53, Ostroleka. Online; downloaded 13 Dec 2008.

Two entries in the Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Slowiańskich describe the village. The first description appears in Volume I of the Słownik Geograficzny; the second entry appears in Volume VI, Part 1 (the first supplement to the Słownik Geograficzny).

Slownik Geograficzny Entry for Borze - Volume I

Słownik Geograficzny Entry for Borze – Volume I

Source:  Sulimierski, Filip, Bronisław Chlebowski, and Władysław Walewski, eds., Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) – Warsaw 1880, Volume I, page 338.

The first entry, translated from the Polish, states:

Borze,  1.) a village in powiat [district] węgrowski, gmina [municipality] Borze, and parish of Liw. Borze gmina borders with the gminas Ossowno, Jaczew, and Korytnica, population 2861, 13233 morgs [in the Russian partition 1 morg = 1.388 acres] of open space, about 10 versts [0.66 miles per verst] to the local court of law in Korytnica .  The district office and post office are in Boguszyn-stary .  Węgrów is about 12 ½ versts away; Siedlec is about 40 ½ versts away. The gmina consists of: Czaple, Filipy, Koszewnica, Krypy, Kwaśnianka, Leśniki, Noisew, Orzechów-stary, Ostaszki, Połazie, Boguszyn-Decie, Borze-stary, Skarzyn, Strupiechów, Sulki, Szurów, Swiętochów-nowy, Swiętochow-stary, Trawy, Wąsosze, and Wypychy.
2.) Borze, a region of the nobility, powiat pułtuski, gmina Kozłowo, and parish of Gzy. Within its area lie the villages: Borze strumiany, Borze przepychy, Borze marcisze, and the settlement of Borze bliźnięta . 
3.) Borze, see Boże.

Borze (German), see Borce.

My ancestors’ village is listed as subentry 3.).

Slownik Geograficzny Entry for Borze - Volume XV

Słownik Geograficzny Entry for Borze – Volume XV, Part 1

Source:  Chlebowski, Bronisław, Józef Krzywicki, Filip Sulimierski, and Władysław Walewski, eds., Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) – Warsaw 1900, Volume XV, part 1, page 221.

The second entry, translated from the Polish, states:

Borze,  1.) a village in powiat [district] węgrowski .  It is mentioned in documents from the year 1476 (The Mazovian Code, page 273).
2.) Borze, a village in powiat pułtuski. In the year 1827, Borze marcisze had 7 homes and 53 residents; Borze przechy had 7 homes and 74 residents .  In the year 1576, Borze Marczyskie, Strumiany, Przecki, and others paid from 6 ¼ fields, 3 morgs [in the Russian partition 1 morg = 1.388 acres].

My ancestors’ village is listed as subentry 2.).

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Słownik Geograficzny entries for Borze

Both entries show that my ancestors’ village is called Borze marcisze. I intend to use this spelling of the village name to harmonize the variant spellings I’ve seen on the baptismal records I’ve examined from this area.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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