Marianna Niedziałkowska, daughter of Ignacy Niedziałkowski and Zofia Kamińska, was born on about 06 December 1746 in Klonowo, Ciechanów Land, Mazovian Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. She was baptized in the parish church in Pałuki, Ciechanów Land, Mazovian Voivodeship, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on 06 December 1746.
SOURCE: St. Gotard Parish (Pałuki, Poland), “Baptisatorum ab Anno 1740 ad 1754. Księga III” [Book III of Baptisms from 1740 to 1754], page 28 verso, Marianna Niedziałkowski baptism, 06 December 1746; accessed as “Poland, Warszawa, Pałuki (Ciechanów) – Church records),” browsable images, FamilySearch ( : 04 September 2017), FHS microfilm number 1496612, Item 12, Page 28 verso; Film Viewer – DGS: 008025419, image 609 of 803.
The baptismal record itself refers to two previous baptismal records: one that shows the date of the baptism, and another that shows the name of the priest who baptized Marianna.

Click on the images above to view higher resolution images. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Baptismal Record for Marianna Niedziałkowska – 1754. Taken together and translated from the Latin, the record reads:
On the day and year above [06 December 1746], I, the same as above [Jakub Antoni Chełchowski, Registrar, The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary], baptized a female with the name Marianna, daughter of the legally married couple, the nobles Ignacy and Zofia Niedziałkowski. The godparents were the well-born Antoni Pajewski and the noble Teresa Niedziałkowska, an unmarried woman.
Marianna Niedziałkowska was my 5th great aunt.
The date of baptism was written in the baptismal record for Mikołaj Wiklowski, immediately preceding Marianna’s record. Then name of the priest who baptized Marianna was written in the baptismal record for Stanisław Zmobeński on the recto (front) side of the same page in the register.
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