Marianna Dańko, daughter of Paweł Dańko and Zofia Szymańska, was born on 13 December 1826 in Nienadowa, Sanok Kreis, Lemberg Regierungsbezirk, Austrian Empire and was baptized on 13 December 1826 in the parish church in Dubiecko, Sanok Kreis, Lemberg Regierungsbezirk, Austrian Empire.

Parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Dubiecko, Poland), “Liber Natorum et Baptisatorum (Book of Births and Baptisms), 1826,” p. 781, no. unknown, Marianna Dańko birth and baptism (1826); parish rectory, Dubiecko.
Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record for Marianna Dańko . Transcribed and translated from the Latin, the record states:
- Marianna Dańko was born in Nienadowa on 13 Dec 1826 and baptized on the same day
- The baptism is recorded as the third entry on page 781 in the Book of Baptisms for Nienadowa in 1826
- Marianna was born in house number 140
- Her birth was legitimate and she was a girl born to a Catholic family
- Her father was Pawel Dańko, a farmer from Nienadowa
- Her mother was Zofia Szumańska, daughter of Andrzej Szumański, farmer
- Her Godparents were Marcin Janowski, a farmer, and Rozalia, a farmer and wife of Błażej Wayda
- The midwife was Zofia Grzegorzak
- Marianna was baptized by Pacificus Suchański, Parish Assistant
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