Jakub Dańko, son of Paweł Dańko and Zofia Szymańska, was born on 02 July 1843 in Tuligłowy, Przemyśl Kreis, Lemberg Regierungsbezirk, Austrian Empire and was baptized on 03 July 1843 in the parish church in Tuligłowy, Przemyśl Kreis, Lemberg Regierungsbezirk, Austrian Empire.

Parish of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Dubiecko, Poland), “Liber Natorum et Baptisatorum (Book of Births and Baptisms), 1843,” p. unknown, no. 42, Jakub Dańko birth and baptism (1842); parish rectory, Dubiecko.
Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Baptismal Record for Jakub Dańko, including a transcription and translation of the record . Translated from Latin to English, the record states:
- Serial Number: 42
- Date of Birth: 02 July 1843
- Date of Baptism: 03 July 1843
- House Number: under Number 12 in Tuligłowy and from Number 140 in Nienadowa
- Name: Jakub
- Religion: Catholic
- Sex: Boy
- Legitimacy: Legitimate
- Father: Pawel Dańko, gardener
- Mother: Zofia, born of the father Andrzej Szymański, gardener
- Godparents: Marcin Tanowski, gardener from Nienadowa, and Maria, widow left behind after the death of Andrzej Poloczni, farmer from Tuligłowy. Standing by: Jakub Kuzienko, gardener from Nienadowa, and Rozalia, wife of Błażej Wajda, farmer from Nienadowa.
- Midwife: The midwife named herein ins not approved Maria Regentowa
- This infant was born outside the parish in the village of Tuligłowy in Przemyśl Kreis, and baptism was performed there by AK. Ludwik Wodziński, curate of the place and Deacon [for.?] the Roman Catholic Parish on the date noted above. Written in this Book of Baptisms, these events were from the document presented from there.
- Removed?] 14 August 1878 Number 84
Jakub was born in Tuligłowy (Przemyśl Kreis), although his family lived in Nienadowa in the Dubiecko parish (Sanok Kreis). In the middle of Tuligłowy stands Parafia pw. Świętego Mikołaja Biskupa (Parish of St. Nicholas, Bishop), one of the most visited Marian shrines in Poland. The main altar of the church includes a 15th century painting of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Jakub’s mother was most likely visiting this shrine when Jakub was born.
The record includes a note that I think states: “removed 14 August 1878 Number 84”. This may indicate that my grandfather moved to a new house on 14 August 1878.
Some of the participants are listed with an occupation of hortulanus – gardener. A hortulanus farmed a very small plot of land, probably only enough to supply the needs of their own families. The Godmother, Maria Poloczni, is listed as cmethonifsa, and Błażej Wajda is listed as cmethonis, indicating that these people operated full-sized farms.
This is the first Baptismal Record I’ve seen that listed people “standing by,” a statement that I don’t completely understand.
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