The ancestral village of the Izbicki family is Piertanie, a village that was in the Russian Partition of Poland at the time the family emigrated.

Słownik Geograficzny Entry for Piertanie
Chlebowski, Bronisław, Władysław Walewski, and Filip Sulimmierski, eds., Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) – Warsaw 1887, Volume VIII, page 101.
Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Słownik Geograficzny Entry for Piertanie. The entry, translated from the Polish, states:
Piertanie, a village on the small lakes Pierty and Wigry, Suwalki Powiat [District], Hutta Gmina [municipality], Wigry parish. Twelve viersts [1 vierst = 1.0668 km] not far from Suwalki, it has 15 homes, 109 inhabitants, 327 mórgs [1 mórg in the Russian Partition = 1.388 acres] in territory. Swampy land. In 1827 there were 7 homes, 38 inhabitants.
The parish for Piertanie is in Wigry. The Family History Library in Salt Lake City has church records for Wigry from 1808-1882. I may be able to find some relevant records in these microfilms.
I’ve mentioned the Słownik Geograficzny several times in the past . I use this reference often to discover to which parish a particular village belonged and to learn more about the village . Some entries, like the entry for Piertanie, are very brief . The entry for Wigry, the parish, is much more extensive.
Copyright © 2007-2019 by Stephen J. Danko
Dear Sirs,
Thank You very much for this website. My family of Izbiccy lives in Szczecin, Poland.
We are sort of big family here in Szczecin.
I have two brothers – Jakub and Daniel. I’m 25 years old and next year I’m getting married. My brother Jakub has a wife and two children. Our Parents Joanna and ZdzisÅ‚aw Izbicki live in Szczecin too. My Father is a son of Helena Izbicka who was the daughter of Leon Izbicki and she was born in Piertanie.
I’m really very very much grateful for this page and all information that you put in here.
This is so great that we are all one web village 😉
Best regards and many kisses from Szczecin, Poland
Dominika Izbicka
Czesc Dominika!
Thanks for writing! You and I should exchange information. If your Izbicki ancestors were born in Piertanie, you are most likely related to my Izbicki relatives here in the United States.