James Rawding Crosses the United States – Canada Border

While searching for the 1901 Canadian Census Record for John Rawding and his family, I came across several other records for this family .  In particular, I noticed that some of the family members traveled back and forth between Canada and the United States and left behind the records of those journeys.

Many records of alien arrivals at various United States ports of entry have been preserved .  These records include Card Manifests (Alphabetical) of Entries through the Port of Detroit, MI, 1906-1954, United States National Archives microfilm publication M1478, 117 rolls .  The record for James Rawding, son of John Rawding, entering the United States at Detroit in 1923 is recorded on roll number 83 .  Better yet, Ancestry.com has digitized these records and access to these records is free for the rest of the year 2006.

PDF of the Border Crossing Record of James Rawding Front

Detroit Card Manifest for James Rawding, Front

PDF of the Border Crossing Record of James Rawding Back

Detroit Card Manifest for James Rawding, Back

SOURCE:  James Rawding; December 12, 1923, in Card Manifests (Alphabetical) of Entries through the Port of Detroit, MI, 1906-1954; micropublication M1478 (Washington: National Archives), roll83.

James Rawding’s Card Manifest was recorded on Form Spl. 187A, Primary Inspection Memorandum .  The information recorded on the front of this card is similar to that recorded on the Ellis Island Passenger Manifests and is transcribed in the PDF copy of the Detroit Card Manifest for James Rawding – 1923 .  The back of the card was used to record information if an alien appealed a decision barring him from entering the United States .  The card for James Rawding has a few notes on the back of the card, but was apparently admitted .  Information on the front of the card includes the following information:

  • James Rawding, a single male born and living in Aylesford, Nova Scotia entered the United States on 12 Dec 1923 at Detroit, Michigan
  • James was 34 years old, was of Scottish race and Canadian citizenship, and was employed as a steamfitter
  • James had a brother Fred in Aylesford, Kings County, Nova Scotia
  • James had previously been in the United States, specifically in Vermont, from 1920-1922
  • On this trip, James intended to go to a hotel, intended to stay in the United States for a month, and did not intend to become a citizen
  • James was described in good health, 5 feet 10 inches tall, with fair complexion, brown hair, and blue eyes
  • He had a ticket, paid for his passage himself, and had with him $50.00

Now that I know these records exist, I’m going to start looking for border crossing records for others I know entered the United States through Canada.

Copyright © 2006 Stephen J. Danko

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John Rawding in the 1901 Census of Canada

Today, I participated in an online chat for the Canadian Records courses I’m taking through the National Institute for Genealogical Studies .  During that chat, I mentioned that I was interested in finding Canadian immigration records .  None of my direct ancestors lived in Canada, but three of my aunts and two of my uncles married spouses with roots in Canada.

The instructor, Brenda Merriman, mentioned that Canadian immigration records were only maintained starting in 1865 .  I knew that most of the families for which I was searching had immigrated before that, so I’d have no luck looking for immigration records for most of them .  One family, the Rawdings, was still a possibility .  I knew that my Aunt Nat’s father-in-law, Allister Rawding, was born on 19 May 1893 in Millville, Aylesford, Nova Scotia, but I didn’t know when the family immigrated to Canada.

Brenda suggested that I search the 1901 and 1911 Census Records for Canada to find the year of immigration .  I quickly searched the Ancestry.com database and, to my surprise, I found Allister Rawding in the 1901 Census living with his parents, John and Melissa Rawding!

1901 Census Record for the John Rawding Household - Left

1901 Census Record for the John Rawding Household (Left Side)

1901 Census Record for the John Rawding Household - Right

1901 Census Record for the John Rawding Household (Right Side)

SOURCE: John Rawding Household, 1901 Canada Census, Schedule 1, Nova Scotia, District No. 36 – Kings County, Sub-District No. S – Millville, Dwelling House 1, Family or Household 1, Lines 1-8, Library and Archives Canada Micropublication T-6453.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Canada Census Record for the John Rawding Household – 1901 .  The record states that:

  • The household consists of John Rawding born 6 Apr 1853, his wife Melissa born 3 Sep 1851, and their children Bernard born 14 Jul 1883, Ernest S. born 19 Sep 1884, James M. born 14 Dec 1885, Minnie S. born 23 May 1886, Frederick born 3 May 1889, and Allister born 19 May 1893
  • Everyone in the household was born in Nova Scotia, was of Irish origin, was of Canadian nationality, was of Baptist faith, could read and write, and spoke English, but none spoke French
  • John’s occupation was farmer working at home in a mill, Bernard’s occupation was [illegible] son, and Ernest’s occupation was mill hand working at home in a mill
  • John and Ernest worked 6 months in a factory and 6 months at home, each earning $120 in their occupation
  • James, Minnie, Frederick, and Allister were in school 10 months of the year

Well, clearly, if John and Melissa were born in Nova Scotia in the 1850s, I don’t need to search Canadian immigration records, since their families were in Canada before the immigration records were maintained.

However, this clearly was an early Christmas present .  I now have information on the Rawding family I didn’t have before, and this information may lead to more records, especially the Canadian Census records from 1861-1891.

Copyright © 2006 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Rawding | Tagged | 3 Comments

Perhaps He Just Didn’t Know

Last night, I was searching the website of the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) for the Massachusetts Marriage Record for Adam Koscinczyk .  Adam was to become the father-in-law of Anthony Chmielewski, whose birth record I described yesterday.

A search of the Massachusetts Vital Records 1841-1910 resulted in only two hits:  the marriage of Adam Koscinczyk and Valerie Helena Burakiewicz, and the marriage of Joseph Koscinczyk and Rozalia (Bachon) Krawczyk .  The marriage of Adam and Valerie was the record for which I was searching, but I found the other record, the marriage of Joseph and Rozalia much more interesting.

Niewiem Left

The left side of the marriage register shows that Joseph Koscinczyk and Rozalia (Bachon) Krawczyk were married on 22 Nov 1905 in Holyoke (Massachusetts) .  Joseph was 28 years old, and this was his first marriage .  Rozalia was a 23-year-old widow, and this was her second marriage .  Joseph was a laborer from Russia-Poland residing in Worcester, and Rozalia was an Operative from Austria residing at 21 Oliver St., Holyoke.

Niewiem Right

On the right side of the marriage register, Joseph listed his parents as Anton Koscinczyk and Margaritte Niewiem .  Rozalia listed her parents as John Bachon and Mary Scribek .  The marriage was officiated by the Rev. St. [Stanisław] Tarnowski, Holyoke, Clergyman, and the event was recorded on 23 Nov 1905.

What’s so interesting about this record?  Well, Joseph’s mother’s maiden name is listed as “Niewiem”, which is not a Polish surname at all .  “Nie wiem” is a Polish sentence that means “I don’t know”.

It appears that, when asked for his mother’s maiden name, Joseph answered in Polish, “Nie wiem”, and the clerk dutifully recorded that response in the register.

Copyright © 2006 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth of Anthony Chmielewski

While I don’t have any information on my Chmielewski ancestors further back than my great grandparents, I do have a number of documents from the descendants of my great grandparents, most of which are from the State of Massachusetts.

The New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) has posted a database of Massachusetts Vital Records up through 1910 and has digitized and linked many of the original documents to the database .  The database is restricted to members and access to this database is only one of the many reasons I faithfully renew my membership each year.

One remarkable aspect of the digitized records on the NEHGS website is that the images are apparently digital photographs of the original registers, not just digitized versions of the microfilms .  The microfilm copies of these registers are generally of poor quality, but the digitized images at NEHGS are excellent .  Compare the image in today’s post with that in yesterday’s post to see the difference.

One of the records I found recently was that for Anthony Chmielewski, a younger brother of Harry Chmielewski.

Birth Register for Anthony Chmielewski

The Birth Register for Anthony Chmielewski

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth Record for Anthony Chmielewski – 1907 .  The record states that:

  • Anthony Chmielewski was born in Worcester, Massachusetts on June 14, 1907
  • Anthony was a white male
  • His father was Joseph Chmielewski, a laborer from Russia, Poland
  • His mother was Katie Kwarket from Russia, Poland
  • The record is from the Register of Births for 1907, Volume 568, Page 475, Number 659

SOURCE:  The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Massachusetts State Archives. Record of Birth. Worcester County. 1907. Volume 568, Page 475, Number 659. Anthony Chmielewski.

The maiden name of Anthony’s mother is listed as Katie Kwarket .  Most records list her maiden surname as Warchol.

These registers were not completed at the time of the event .  They were prepared periodically from the records accumulated over a number of months .  This record is an exact image of an original document .  I consider this record to be an original source of primary birth information for Anthony Chmielewski, but because these records may have been compiled several months after the actual events by people not present at the event, is the birth information really secondary, rather than primary?

Copyright © 2006 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth of Harry Chmielewski

Harry Chmielewski was born in the year 1898 at a time when births in Massachusetts were recorded by the state in a register .  These registers were microfilmed by the Massachusetts State Archives and the quality of the microfilm record is rather poor .  For a charge of three dollars, the Massachusetts Archives provided me with a photocopy of the microfilmed record and a certified Copy of Record of Birth .  When I compared the two documents, I found that the Copy of Record of Birth is an accurate and complete transcription of the actual register.

Copy of Record of Birth for Harry Chmielewski

Copy of Record of Birth of Harry Chmielewski

Birth Register for Harry Chmielewski

The Birth Register for Harry Chmielewski

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth Record for Harry Chmielewski – 1898 .  The record states that:

  • Harry Chmielewski was born at 8 Oliver St., Holyoke, Massachusetts on May 3, 1898
  • Harry was a white male
  • His father was Joseph Chmielewski, a laborer from Russia
  • His mother was Katie Varchol from Austria
  • The record is from the Register of Births for 1898, Volume 475, Page 735, Number 577

SOURCE: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Massachusetts State Archives. Record of Birth. Worcester County. 1898. Volume 475, Page 735, Number 577. Harry Chmielewski.

While the Copy of Record of Birth is a complete and accurate transcription of the register, other documents indicate that the correct spelling of Harry’s mother’s maiden name is Warchol, not Varchol.

Harry’s father was Joseph Chmielewski, my grandmother’s half brother and Stefania Chmielewska’s full brother .  Harry is my half-first cousin, once removed.

Harry Chmielewski’s surname was later changed to Meleski.

Copyright © 2006 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Chmielewski/Meleski, Warchol | Tagged | 3 Comments

The Death of Harry Meleski

My grandmother’s half-nephew, Harry Meleski, was a prominent attorney in Worcester, Massachusetts .  His Death Certificate is filed with the City of Worcester, with a copy to the State of Massachusetts .  I obtained this copy from the State of Massachusetts, Registry of Vital Records and Statistics.

Death Certificate for Harry Meleski

The Death Certificate for Harry J. Meleski

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death Certificate for Harry J. Meleski – 1981 .  The record states that:

  • Harry J. Meleski was born on May 3, 1898 in Massachusetts and died January 8, 1981 in Hahnemann Hospital, Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts
  • Harry’s wife was Margaret Werme
  • His residence was 33 Hill Top Circle, Worcester, Massachusetts
  • His occupation was Retired Attorney for the City of Worcester
  • His parents were Joseph Meleski and Katherine Warchol, both born in Poland
  • Harry was buried in Hope Cemetery, Worcester, Massachusetts on January 12, 1981 by A J Jozefowski of Alexander Memorial Chapel at 52 Ward Street, Worcester
  • An autopsy was performed
  • Harry died as a result of respiratory failure, due to weeks of aspiration pneumonia, as a consequence of Parkinson’s Syndrome
  • Harry also suffered from benign prostatic hypertrophy
  • Harry’s death was certified by Leonard Morse, MD

Harry and his wife died childless .  Their grave has been largely neglected.

Copyright © 2006 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Chmielewski/Meleski, Warchol, Werme | Tagged | 2 Comments

The Lithuanian Villages of Butrymonys and Likiškės

My Chmielewski ancestors were from the Lithuanian villages of Butrymonys and Likiškės.  I’m not sure if the Chmielewskis were Polish or Lithuanian, but given the surnames, it’s likely they were Poles who settled in Lithuania during the time when the two countries were united.

These two villages are listed in the Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (The Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and Other Slavonic Countries) as Butrymańce and Likiszki.

Slownik Entry for Butrymance

Slownik Entry for Butrymonys

SOURCE:  Sulimierski, Filip, Bronisław Chlebowski, and Władysław Walewski, eds., Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) – Warsaw 1880, Volume I, page 484.  Text in Polish, translated by Stephen J. Danko.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Słownik Geograficzny entry for Butrymonys.  The entry, translated from the Polish, states:

Butrymańce  1.) a little town in the Troki Powiat [District], on the Pinsówek River, 54 versts [1 verst = 1.0668 kilometers] from Troki, 115 versts distant from Wilno [Vilnius] .  There is a wooden Catholic church under the name of the Redeemer, erected by the Reverend Jezierski, a sister parish to Punia: 1834 souls .  Butrymańce is famous for its fair and for the manufacture of gingerbread .  There are 2400 inhabitants .  It is the property of Count Józef Tyszkiewicz; in the year 1850 it was the property of the Bogateks, the Wnorowskis, and the Morawskis .  The township of Butrymańce totals 521 houses, 6798 peasants under wages, the local government is in Butrymańce .  The township consists of 7 rural districts and 73 villages .  The districts are:  1) Butrymańce, 2) Ajciuny, 3) Punie, 4) Girejkańce, 5) Krążnńce, 6) Skrejciany, 7) Piwoszuny .  The circumference of the village of Butrymańce totals in its area the little village of Butrymańce, the villages of Gryszkańce, Pieskuńce, Płasowniki, Kasperzyszki, Trokieniki, Mażuńce; the area of Rejż .  Butrymańce has a post office on the Koszendary-Hanuszyszki road.
2.) Butrymańce, a village in the Lidzki Powiat, the Catholic church of Saint Michael is there, erected of wood by the Baron Schrotter, a chapel of Bieniakoski.

Slownik Entry for Likiszki

Słownik Entry for Likiškės

SOURCE:  Sulimierski, Filip, Bronisław Chlebowski, and Władysław Walewski, eds., Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) – Warsaw 1884, Volume V, page 230.  Text in Polish, translated by Stephen J. Danko.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Słownik Geograficzny entry for Likiškės.  The entry, translated from the Polish, states:

Likiszki, a village in the township of Butrymańce, Trocki Powiat [District], the 4th administrative circuit, 48 versts [1 verst = 1.0668 kilometers] from Troki, 5 homes, 42 inhabitants of which 41 are Catholic, and 1 is Orthodox.

The Słownik generally indicates the location of the parish church, and for Butrymonys (Butrymańce), it appears that the parish is located in Butrymonys itself, although there is a reference to a sister parish in Punia.  Oddly enough, there is no reference to the location of the parish church for Likiškės (Likiszki).

Finally, the reason there are two spellings for the names of these villages is simply that the current locations are spelled in Lithuanian, but the Słownik spellings are Polish.

Copyright © 2006 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Chmielewski/Meleski | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

The Descendants of Wincenty Chmielewski

Tracing my ancestors of my maternal grandmother, Helen (Helena) Meleski (Chmielewska) is one of my most difficult brick walls .  The reasons this line is so difficult are that:

  1. My grandmother never liked to talk about her past.
  2. This line lived in what is now Lithuania and Lithuanian records are not very abundant in the Family History Library.
  3. I’m not exactly sure where my Chmielewski ancestors lived or where the parish was.

To be honest, I do have living relatives in Lithuania .  One of my cousins, Liliana, was born there but now lives in the United States .  Liliana’s mother is still living in Lithuania, but doesn’t know much about our common ancestors, Wincenty Chmielewski and Anastasia Wojnowska.

This is what I do know about the Chmielewski line .  Living individuals are not represented in this chart.

Descendants of Wincenty Chmielewski

Generation No. 1

1 .  WINCENTY CHMIELEWSKI was born in Gubernia Wilenska, Russia, and died in Gubernia Wilenska, Russia .  He married (1) SCHOLASTYKA WOJTCZUKA before 1874. He married (2) ANASTASIA WOJNOWSKA after 1886 .  She was born in Gubernia Wilenska, Russia, and died in Gubernia Wilenska, Russia.


2 . i . JOSEPH CHMIELEWSKI was born 03 Apr 1874, Wilno, Gubernia Wilenska, Russia /Lithuania, and died before 1934 in Massachusetts.

ii . STEPHANIE S. MELESKI was born 07 Feb 1886, Butrimonys, Alytaus Region, Russia, and died 31 Jan 1973, Worcester City Hospital/Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts.

iii . ARTURS CHMIELEWSKI was born about 1880.

iv . VINCENT CHMIELEWSKI, JR. was born about 1891.


3 . v . HELEN ANNE CHMIELEWSKA was born 15 Feb 1897, Trakai, Gubernia Wilenska, Russia, and died 23 Nov 1980, St. Vincent Hospital /Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts.

4 . vi . ONA CHMIELEWSKA was born 18 Jun 1899, Likiskiai, Co. Butrimonys, Alytaus Region, Russia, and died 31 May 1969, Alytus, Alytaus Co., Lithuania, USSR.

Generation No. 2

2 .  JOSEPH CHMIELEWSKI (WINCENTY) was born 03 Apr 1874 in Wilno, Gubernia Wilenska, Russia /Lithuania, and died Bef. 1934 .  He married KATARZYNA WARCHOL 01 Oct 1894 in Chicopee, Hampden Co., Massachusetts, daughter of JAN WARCHOL and MARY UNKNOWN .  She was born between 1873 – 1880 in Poland, and died 28 Aug 1928 in Massachusetts.


i . HARRY JOHN MELESKI was born 03 May 1898, Holyoke, Hampden Co., Massachusetts, and died 08 Jan 1981, Hahnemann Hospital /Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts . He married MARGARET WERME, after 1930 .  She was born 23 Feb 1902, Massachusetts, and died 22 Apr 1983, Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts.

ii . FRANCIS J. CHMIELEWSKI was born 04 Oct 1901, Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, and died before 2000.

iii . HELENE RITA MELESKI was born 02 Dec 1904, Holyoke, Hampden Co., Massachusetts, and died 08 Jun 1993, St. Vincent Hospital /Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts .  She married ZYGMUND STANLEY MIKOLOSKI, about 1929; born 21 Dec 1899, Bielsk, Powiat Plocki, Gubernia Płocka, Kingdom Poland; died 09 Oct 1972, Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts.

iv . ANTHONY P. MELESKI was born 14 Jun 1907 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, and died 23 Oct 2000 in MetroWest Medical Center, Leonard Morse Campus /Natick, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts .  He married ANNA M. KOSCIUSKO, daughter of ADAM KOSCINCZYK and VALERIE HELEN BURAKIEWICZ .  She was born 01 Apr 1910 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, and died 16 Sep 2002 in Medway Country Manor /Medway, Norfolk Co., Massachusetts .  Her parents were married 21 May 1906 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts.

v . ANASTASIA RITA MELESKI was born 22 Feb 1911, Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, and died 01 Jan 2000, Mayflower Place Nursing Center /West Yarmouth, Barnstable Co., Massachusetts .  She married (1) ALBERT FRANCIS BLACKMAN 08 May 1946 in St. Mary’s Church, Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, son of CLIFFORD A. BLACKMAN AND JANE A. GOODRICH .  He was born about 1914-1915, Boston, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts, and died 11 Jul 1966, 146 Cullinane Drive /Marlborough, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. His parents were married 17 Sep 1907 in Boston, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts .  She married (2) BERNARD JOSEPH IZBICKI 04 Jun 1968 in Our Lady of Częstochowa Church /Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts .  He was born 12 May 1910, Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, and died 30 Apr 1985, Boston, Suffolk Co., Massachusetts.

3 .  HELEN ANNE CHMIELEWSKA (WINCENTY CHMIELEWSKI) was born 15 Feb 1897 in Trakai, Gubernia Wilenska, Russia, and died 23 Nov 1980 in St. Vincent Hospital /Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts .  She married KOSTANTY NIEDZIALKOWSKI 10 Jul 1918 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, son of TEOFIL NIEDZIALKOWSKI and KSAWERA ZYGMUNTOWICZ .  He was born 28 Oct 1892 in Pomaski, Powiat Makowski, Gubernia Lomzynskiej, Congress Poland, and died 14 Mar 1978 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts.


i . JANE ANN NIEDZIALKOWSKI was born 06 Oct 1922 in 194 Prescott Street /Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, and died 16 Apr 1980 in St. Peter’s Hospital /Albany, Albany Co., New York.

ii . FREDERIC FRANCIS NIEDZIALKOWSKI was born 26 May 1924 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, and died 23 Jan 2005 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts .  He married JANICE VIRGINIA QUINTIN 05 Jun 1948 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, daughter of LEOPOLD QUINTIN and CELINA FONTAINE .  She was born 19 Aug 1925 in Fall River, Bristol Co., Massachusetts, and died 05 Apr 2005 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts.

4 .  ONA CHMIELEWSKA (WINCENTY CHMIELEWSKI) was born 18 Jun 1899 in LikiÅ¡kiai, Co. Butrimonys, Alytaus Region, Russia, and died 31 May 1969 in Alytus, Alytaus Co., Lithuania, USSR .  She married JONAS SAMSANAVICIUS .  He was born 28 Jan 1887 in StakliÅ¡kes, Co. Jeznas, Trakai region, Gubernia Wilenska, Lithuania, and died 17 Jul 1980 in Panevežys, Panevezio, Lithuania.


i . ELENA SAMSANAVICIUTE, died Abt. 1996.


iii . JUOZAS SAMSANAVICIUS was born Abt. 1927; died Abt. 1936.

As I look over the records I’ve posted so far on the Chmielewski line, I see I’ve rather neglected this family .  I’ve only posted one birth, marriage, or death record for the Chmielewski/Meleski family, although I’ve posted cemetery records, images of gravestones, naturalization papers, and notices of change of name for this family .  As I post additional records, I’ll link the events listed on this page to the actual records.

Despite the fact that I have so little information on my Chmielewski ancestors, my cousin Liliana has provided me with a lot of information about our cousins living in Lithuania and Russia .  Since Liliana still visits her mother in Lithuania regularly, I’ll have to see what I can do to travel back to Lithuania with her someday so I can walk through the ancestral family villages and visit the church archives.

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My Genealogy Christmas Wish List

I’ve noticed a few genealogy bloggers have posted their Christmas wish lists and I don’t want to be left out .  Here’s my list:

10 .  A Pigma Micron Pen so I can finally write the names, dates, and places on the backs of all my photographs .  Pigma ink is lightfast, waterproof, permanent, and archival-safe.

9 .  The new edition of “The Source: A Guidebook to American Genealogy“.

8 .  A Canon Digital Rebel XTi camera.

7 .  A digital voice recorder for recording oral histories.

6 .  A subscription to “Digital Genealogist” .  Well, it’s only fair to ask for a subscription to this publication if I’m also asking for a digital camera and a digital voice recorder.

5 .  A Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin .  And, while we’re at it, let’s get Simple Latin for Family Historians back in print.

4 .  A easy and legal way to make attractive, topographic maps onto which I can superimpose the locations where my ancestors lived, the paths of my ancestors’ migrations, and the routes my relatives traveled while in the military service .  Family Atlas comes close, but it’s not exactly what I want.

3 .  An autographed copy of “How to Do Everything with Your Genealogy” by George Morgan.

2 .  “In Their Words: A Genealogist’s Translation Guide to Polish, German, Latin, and Russian Documents” by Jonathan D. Shea & William Hoffman, Volume III: Latin, and Volume IV: German .  OK, I know they haven’t been published yet, but this is a wish list!

1 .  The birth records for my grandparents Marianna Dziura (Dziurzyńska), Kostanty Niedziałkowski, and Helena Chmielewska.

Copyright © 2006 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal | 9 Comments

The Birth of Julianna Chotkowska

My great-great-great-great grandmother, Cecylia Chotkowska was born in 1767 .  Her sister, Julianna, was born in 1758 .  The record of her baptism is record 36 for the year and the third record on this page of the Book of Baptisms of the Krasne Church 1755-1781.

Birth Record for Julianna Chotkowska

The Baptismal Record for Julianna Chotkowska

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record for Julianna Chotkowska – 1758 .  Translated from the Latin, the record states:

36. Mosaki Rukle

I, Jacób Pilchowski Ca: Re: Lo: on the 21st of September, baptized an infant by the name of Julianna, the daughter of the Noble Andrzej Chotkowski and Marianna née Mosakowska his wife, a lawfully wedded couple .  The Godparents in the Sacred Font were the Nobles Julianna Chotkowska and Slaski of the country home Szlazy.

One problem I have had while researching my Chotkowski ancestors is that the Krasne parish has another family with a similar name: Chełchowski .  In the handwriting of the time, it’s sometimes difficult to tell the difference between the names since the letter T and the letter ł look similar, and the letter k sometimes looks like the letter combination ch .  To make matters worse, At the time Andrzej and Marianna Chotkowski were having children, another couple, Andrzej and Marianna Chełchowski, were also having children.

In fact, before I realized there were two different surnames, I copied a large number of births from the indexes before I realized that the children in my list were born less than 9 months apart!  It was then I realized I was dealing with two families with similar names.

Copyright © 2006 by Stephen J. Danko

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