The Polish Villages of Drohobyczka and Huta Drohobyczka

The Polish villages of Drohobyczka and Huta Drohobyczka lie close to the village of Nienadowa where my grandfather Dańko lived. I’m continuing to translate the Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego entries for neighboring villages in order to get a better understanding of what the area where my grandfather grew up was like.

Slownik Geograficzny Entry for the Village of Drohobyczka

Słownik Geograficzny Entry for Drohobyczka

Source:  Sulimierski, Filip, Bronisław Chlebowski, and Władysław Walewski, eds., Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) – Warsaw 1881, Volume II, pages 157-158.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Słownik Geograficzny entry for Drohobyczka. Translated from the Polish, the entries read:

Drohobyczka (with Huta drohobyczka), a village in the Przemyśl powiat [district], about 33 kilometers to the northwest of Przemyśl, about 6 kilometers to the northwest of the post office and Roman Catholic parish in Dubiecko. In Drohobyczka there are 66 homes and 412 residents; in Huta [drohobycka] there are 87 homes and 657 residents. The greater property includes 30 mórgs [about 1.422 mórgs per acre] of arable land, 30 mórgs of meadows and gardens, 24 mórgs of pastures, and 631 mórgs of forests; the lesser property includes 1042 mórgs of arable land, 117 mórgs of meadows and gardens, 184 mórgs of pastures, and 344 mórgs of forests.

Drohobyczka, a stream in the area of the Drohobyczka gmina [community], in the Przemyśl powiat. It arises in this village in a few trickles, one flowing in from the Sikorówek forest below Raczyny (452 meters), a second one flowing in from Huta drohobyczka. The trickles combine in the village 268 meters above sea level. Thus, the stream of water arises in the south through the outskirts of Dubiecko and falls to the San River from the left bank after flowing for 9 kilometers.
                                        Br[onisław] G[rabowski]

So, with these two entries, I’ve learned about two villages and a stream that my grandparents probably knew well.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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Resolutions for the New Year

Happy New Year! I stayed up to greet the New Year and watched the fireworks in San Francisco from my house. The photograph below wasn’t as sharp as I’d hoped it would be, but I took the photo from about five miles away from the fireworks themselves. If you look closely, you can see part of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in the lower right of the photograph.

New Year's Fireworks in San Francisco - 2008

San Francisco New Year’s Fireworks – 2008

SOURCE: San Francisco New Year’s Fireworks – 2008. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 01 Jan 2008.

I just reviewed my genealogical resolutions for 2007 and was a bit shocked to discover that I hadn’t completed a single one! I made progress on most, but didn’t complete any!

I guess I just put too much on my own plate, but I think that’s better than striving to underachieve.

Nonetheless, my list this year is a bit shorter than it was last year:

  • Complete the coursework for a Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies (PLCGS) through the National Institute for Genealogical Studies / University of Toronto. I only need to complete a few more courses, so I think this resolution is achievable this year.
  • Complete the requirements to become a Certified Genealogist. This is a huge task, but I’m already well on my way. I’ve already published several of the submission requirements on my blog, so I’ll just need to polish up the work for submission.
  • Become more active with the genealogy societies to which I belong. I plan to achieve this goal this year by helping out with the workshops, seminars, and conferences presented by these societies.
  • Start a Niedzialkowski Family Association. Early this year I’ll be taking a course on One-Name Studies through the National Institute for Genealogical Studies, and the information in that course should help me get started on the right foot. I’ve already arranged for Y-DNA analysis of several Niedzialkowskis and hope to expand that database as I get the Family Association started.
  • Finally, I’m stealing a resolution from Jasia at Creative Gene: Get something published! One of the articles I wrote for the Carnival of Genealogy has been reprinted in the newsletters of several local genealogical societies, but I think it’s time to get my act together and write something for publication in a major genealogy magazine or journal.

This is still an ambitious list. I guess I’d better get cracking.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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Genealogical Resolutions for the New Year

Happy New Year!

Looking back at my Genealogical New Year’s Resolutions over the past two years, I haven’t been very successful at achieving most of my goals. Perhaps my resolutions have been a bit too ambitious! Nonetheless, I am ready to set my goals for the coming year.

  1. Complete the coursework for a Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies (PLCGS) through the National Institute for Genealogical Studies / University of Toronto. I only need to complete one more course, so I think this resolution is achievable this year. I hope to visit Toronto in May to attend my graduation!
  2. Complete the requirements to become a Certified Genealogist. I still have a long way to go in order to achieve this goal, but I have a fairly good head start on the submission requirements.
  3. Increase participation in the Danko Surname Study and the Niedziałkowski Surname Study. I will be attending the Family Tree DNA 5th International Conference on Genetic Genealogy for Project Administrators in March, and I plan to be a bit more proactive about recruiting participants in both studies during the coming year.
  4. Visit Poland. It’s been many years since I was last in Poland and I’d like to visit again this year to conduct research in the archives, visit the villages of my Niedziałkowski ancestors, and meet relatives. This objective will take a lot of planning, but I hope it will be fun and productive.
  5. Document sources in my genealogy database. I’ve been fairly responsible in documenting the information I’ve published on my blog, but I’ve somewhat neglected documenting sources in my genealogy database.

Whew! That’s enough for one year! I have to remember that these resolutions are in addition to the genealogical projects to which I’m already committed, including four engagements to speak at genealogy events, attendance at three genealogy conferences, two trips to Salt Lake City, and daily entries on this blog!

It looks like it’ll be another busy year!

Written for the 63rd Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy – New Year’s Resolutions.

Copyright © 2009 by Stephen J. Danko

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To the Airport with a One-Two Punch

With a one-two punch, Albany, New York received about a foot of snow this morning and is expecting another 6 inches on tomorrow. I’m not worried about tomorrow – I’ll be in California.

Snow in the Morning - Albany, New York

Snow in the Morning – Albany, New York

SOURCE: Snow in the Morning – Albany, New York. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 31 Dec 2007.

The snow plows work quickly here. The streets are already cleared of snow and most flights out of Albany International Airport, including mine, are still on time.

The fresh snow certainly looks beautiful in the morning. Especially when you don’t have to shovel it.

New Year's Eve Scene - Albany, New York

New Year’s Eve Scene – Albany, New York

SOURCE: New Year’s Eve Scene – Albany, New York. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 31 Dec 2007.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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A New Year's Eve Snowfall

As I try to squeeze as many family treasures as possible into my suitcases, the snow has begun to fall again in upstate New York. This snowstorm started on 30 December and will last until about mid-day on New Year’s Eve.

New Year's Eve Snow

New Year’s Eve Snow in Upstate New York

SOURCE: New Year’s Eve Snow in Upstate New York. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 30 Dec 2007.

My plane leaves for San Francisco in about 14 hours. With luck, the snowstorm won’t interfere with my flight home.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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Kodak's Brownie Hawkeye Camera

Another family treasure I found while cleaning out the attic at the family home was a Brownie Hawkeye camera.

Brownie Hawkeye Camera

The Brownie Hawkeye with Flash Attachment

SOURCE: The Brownie Hawkeye with Flash Attachment. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 30 Dec 2007.

The Brownie Hawkeye was introduced by the Kodak Company in September 1950 and was discontinued in July 1961. My family used this camera from about 1953-1965 and I still have most of the square negatives taken with this camera.

The camera has a molded Bakelite body and uses 620 film in rolls of 12 exposures. The scene to be photographed is centered in its “Brilliant Viewfinder”. The original price of the camera was about $7.00. Current prices for this camera on e-bay are about $5.00 to $15.00.

A copy of the original owner’s manual is available as a PDF file.

Rolls of 620 film are still available, although the price of a 12-exposure roll of 620 film is currently about $15-20. This camera is still in excellent condition and could certainly be used after the optics are cleaned. I might buy and shoot a roll of film in this camera for sentimental reasons but, for now, I’ll just keep the camera as a family heirloom.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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Goodbye to the Family Home

My sister, my brother-in-law, and I spent quite a bit of time this past week cleaning out the family home. The latest news is that the sale of the property should be completed next week.

The Front of the Family Home in Albany, New York

The Front of the Family Home

SOURCE: The Front of the Family Home in Albany, New York. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 29 Dec 2007.

The Back of the Family Home in Albany, New York

The Back of the Family Home

SOURCE: The Back of the Family Home in Albany, New York. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 29 Dec 2007.

Parquet Floors in the Family Home in Albany, New York

Parquet Floors in the Family Home

SOURCE: Parquet Floors in the Family Home in Albany, New York. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 28 Dec 2007.

Front Hall in the Family Home in Albany, New York

The Front Hall in the Family Home

SOURCE: The Front Hall in the Family Home in Albany, New York. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 28 Dec 2007.

My sisters and I hung our stockings from the radiator in the front hall, above. The dining room, sitting room, living room, main hallway, and front hall all have parquet floors with the pattern shown above.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal | 4 Comments

A Playbill in the Attic

While cleaning out the attic at the family home in Albany, New York, I found this copy of Playbill.

1776 - March 1971 Issue of Playbill

The Playbill is dated March 1971 (Volume 8, Issue 3) and includes the program for the musical 1776 which played at the St. James Theater at 246 West 44th Street (between 7th & 8th Avenue) in New York City.

1776 opened at the St. James Theater on 28 Dec 1970. It’s interesting to note that the musical to appear at the St. James just prior to 1776 was Hello Dolly! which played at the St. James from 16 Jan 1964 – 27 Dec 1970, a total of 2844 performances.

1776 originally opened at the 42nd Street Theater from 16 Mar 1969 – 27 Dec 1970, played at the St. James from 28 Dec 1970 – 24 Apr 1971, and then moved to the Majestic Theater from 27 Apr 1971 – 13 Feb 1972, a total of 1217 performances. It won three Tony Awards in 1969 for Best Musical, Best Featured Actor (Ronald Holgate for his portrayal of Richard Henry Lee), and Best Direction of a Musical (Peter Hunt).

I obtained this copy of Playbill when I attended a performance of 1776 with the English Club at Vincentian Institute High School during my Sophomore year. Though I don’t know the exact date I attended the performance, this issue of Playbill proves that I saw this performance in March 1971. Notable actors in the performance I saw were William Daniels as John Adams and Howard Da Silva as Benjamin Franklin.

The previous year, I attended a revival performance of The Front Page with the Vincentian English Club at the Ethyl Barrymore Theater in New York City. During that revival, the play ran from 18 Oct 18 1969 – 28 Feb 1970. I don’t know the date I attended the performance and I don’t have a copy of the Playbill, but I probably saw The Front Page at the end of the run in February 1970. I do remember that the role of Hildy Johnson was played by Bert Convy.

For other posts on the Vincentian Institute, see:

For posts on the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, see:

For posts on the Pine Hills Branch of the Albany Public Library, see:

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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Towels in the Attic

While cleaning out the attic of the house in which my sisters and I grew up, we found these two towels.

Linen Towels

SOURCE: Embroidered Towels. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 27 December 2007.

I believe these are linen. They are hand embroidered with the names of my parents.

I’ll have to ask my father if he remembers these towels. I suspect they may have been wedding gifts for my parents in 1947.

We’re still going through boxes and boxes of mementos and documents from the attic and cellar on this snowy afternoon in upstate New York.

Snowy Afternoon in Upstate New York

SOURCE: Snowy Afternoon in Upstate New York. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 27 December 2007.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

Posted in Daily Journal | 1 Comment

Catechism for the Catholic Parochial Schools of the United States

My sister is preparing to close the sale of the house in which we grew up. Selling the house has certainly been an event full of mixed emotions. Despite the fact that our family has owned the house since 1961, nobody in the family wants the responsibility of owning the property any longer.

The attic and basement are full of clutter, mostly from my younger sister’s family, but there are still some mementos of my older sister, my parents, and me.

While sifting through the remnants, deciding what to keep and what to discard, I came across my mother’s Catechism book, dated 1932.

Catechism Cover

On the cover is handwritten:

Wed 3:00 o’clock

Niedziałkowska Janina
18 Huntington Ave.
Worcester, Mass.

Catechism – Katechizm
St. Mary’s School
Richland Street

Wear white dress if you have one and veil . 

Catechism Title Pages

SOURCE: Faeber, Wilhelm. 1932. Catechism for the Catholic parochial schools of the United States. St. Louis: B. Herder book Co.

The book is bilingual, with Polish on the left page and English on the right.

The Catechism was designed to prepare young Polish-American Catholics for their First Communion:

1. Kto nas stworzył?
Pan Bóg nas stworzył.

1. Who made us?
God made us.

2. Poco nas Pan Bóg stworzył?
Pan Bóg stworzył nas na to, abyśmy Mu służyli a przez to do nieba się dostali . 

2. Why did God make us?
God made us that we might know, love, and serve Him, and thereby gain Heaven.

The Catechism didn’t change much in the 30 years that elapsed between 1932 when my mother studied these questions and 1962 when I studied the Catechism myself.

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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