…it Pours!

On October 30 I wrote a post entitled “When it Rains…” where I described some new information Adam Pszczolkowski sent me about my Chodkowski ancestors.

At about the same time, my newly-discovered cousin Christa sent me a wealth of information about our Milewski ancestors, and in particular she sent me the ancestry of my 3rd great grandmother, Karolina Milewska:

Karolina Milewska was the daughter of Wojciech Milewski and Anna Burska, granddaughter of Baltazar Milewski and Marianna Nalecz, great granddaughter of Gregorz Milewski and Anna Grochowska, second great granddaughter of Jan Milewski and Felicja Rembowska, third great granddaughter of Jakub Milewski and Zofia, and fourth great granddaughter of Wojciech Milewski.

Wojciech Milewski is my 9th great grandfather, born in about 1580.

Yes, when it rains, it pours!

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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Growing up with Albany's Democratic Machine

Twentieth century politics in Albany, New York were dominated by the Democtratic Machine created and controlled by Dan O’Connell.

Dan O’Connell was Chairman of the Albany County Democratic Committee. In most parts of the country, few voters know the name of the chairman of their local political party committee. Not so in Albany. Dan O’Connell’s name was familiar to everyone.

From 1919 when he was elected County Assessor until his death in 1977, Dan O’Connell controlled politics in Albany.

At times, there were more registered voters in Albany than there were eligible voters. At other times there were more votes cast in elections than there were registered voters.

Indeed, Mario Cuomo once told a story of how Dan O’Connell and another man were stranded on a desert island with only a single coconut between them. The two voted to decide who would get to eat the coconut and Dan O’Connell won, 110-1.

While growing up in Albany, I recall that my family had frequent interactions with our Democratic Ward Leader. When my father wanted to have the damaged sidewalk in front of our house repaired, he contacted our Ward Leader. When my mother applied for a job as a keypunch operator with the County, our Ward Leader stopped by the house to congratulate her on getting the job.

In today’s political landscape, I hear Democrats associated with such phrases as “out-of-touch with mainstream America”, “tax-and-spend”, and “radical left”. The Democrats with whom I grew up were anything but. The Democrats among whom I was raised were mainstream America: blue-collar workers struggling to make ends meet.

I have to admit, I grew up in an unusual political environment . After my tenth grade class wrote a letter to Erastus Corning II, the mayor of Albany, expressing our concern for the environment, the mayor came to our classroom to discuss the city’s commitment to the environment. Governor Hugh Carey’s children attended my high school. Representatives to the state legislature lived on the blocks surrounding the house where I grew up and, on Halloween, we would shout “Good luck in the election!” instead of “Trick or treat” when we reached their houses. And, once, I was asked to make a presentation on behalf of the Boy Scouts of America to Lieutenant Governor Malcolm Wilson (who later bacame governor of New York when Nelson Rockefeller was named vice-president of the United States).

The Albany Democratic Machine has a firm place in the memories from my youth. Even with all the faults of the machine, I think my youth was richer because of my exposure to the political process when I was young.

Written for the Carnival of Genealogy.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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Halloween Colors in Washington Park

Today, the sun came out and I took a quick tour of the fall foliage in Washington Park, Albany, New York.

Japanese Maple in Washington Park in Albany New York

Acer palmatum Japanese Maple

SOURCE: Acer palmatum Japanese Maple (Washington Park, Albany, Albany County, New York). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 30 Oct 2008.

Silver Maple in Washington Park in Albany New York

Acer saccharinum Silver Maple

SOURCE: Acer saccharinum Silver Maple (Washington Park, Albany, Albany County, New York). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 30 Oct 2008.

Ginkgo biloba in Washington Park in Albany New York

Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo

SOURCE: Gingko biloba Gingko (Washington Park, Albany, Albany County, New York). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 30 Oct 2008.

Red Oak in Washington Park in Albany New York

Quercus rubra Red Oak

SOURCE: Quercus rubra Red Oak (Washington Park, Albany, Albany County, New York). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 30 Oct 2008.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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When it Rains…

Just before I left California for the East Coast, I received several messages from Adam Pszczolkowski, one of the leading genealogists in Poland.

Adam provided me with additional information about my Chodkowski (Chotkowski) ancestors, a noble family about which he has researched and written.

In short, Adam told me about the ancestry of my fourth great grandmother, Cecylia Chodkowska:

Cecylia Chodkowska was the daughter of Andrzej and Marianna Mossakowska, granddaughter of Tomasz and Franciszka Czarzasta, great granddaughter of Marcin, second great-granddaughter of Wawrzyniec, third great-granddaughter of Andrzej called Litwinek, fourth great-granddaughter of Mikołaj, and fifth great-granddaughter of Jan called Baran de Chodkowo-Zalogi.

Source: Adam A. Pszczolkowski “Gniazdo i krze. Rodowody Chodkowskich” Chodkowo Wielkie, 2005.

Furthermore, he supplied me with the email address of one of his colleagues in Poland who is my cousin through my Niedziałkowski ancestors, and he contacted another colleague in the United States who is also my cousin through my Milewski ancestors.

I’m a bit overwhelmed with all this new information and probably won’t have a chance to digest it all until I return to San Francisco!

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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Autumn in New York

I’m spending a week in Albany, New York to visit relatives, and my posts might be a little less regular until I return to San Francisco.

The trees here still have most of their leaves, although the colors have faded mostly to yellows and browns. If the sun comes out before I leave, I’ll try to snap some photos of the autumn colors.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie Marthe Gamache – 1710

On 20 Jul 1710, Marie Marthe Gamache, daughter of Louis Gamache and Angelique Minville, was born. She was baptized in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France on the same day.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie Marthe Gamache - 1710

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie Marthe Gamache – 1710

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France, 1710. Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie Marthe Gamache, folio 34 recto.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Marie Marthe Gamache – 1710. Translated from the French the record reads:

Bap[tism] of Marie Marthe Gamache

On the twentieth day of the month of July in the year one-thousand seven-hundred ten by me, the undersigned missionary serving the functions of pastor of the parish of St. Ignace, was baptized Marie Marthe Gamache, born on this same day, daughter of Louis Gamache and Angélique Minville his wife. The Godfather was Jean Fournier and the Godmother was Marie Peltier who are not able to sign as required according to law. [signed] LeRiche, missionary priest

This record can be found as image 36/948 in the Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on Ancestry.com as part of the records for Cap-St-Ignace 1679-1808. The record appears on folio 34 recto (the obverse of folio 34).

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Franí§ois Gamache – 1708

On 17 Nov 1708, Franí§ois Gamache, son of Louis Gamache and Angelique Minville, was baptized in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Francois Gamache - 1708

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Franí§ois Gamache – 1708

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France, 1708. Birth and Baptismal Record of Franí§ois Gamache, folio 32 verso.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Franí§ois Gamache – 1708. Translated from the French the record reads:

Bap[tism] of Franí§ois Gamache

On the seventeenth of November in the year one-thousand seven-[hundred eight, b]y me the undersigned priest serving the functions of the pasto[r of the p]arish of St. Ignace, was baptized Franí§ois, son of L[ouis Gamach]e and Angélique Minville his wife. The Godfather [was Augustin] Gamache and the Godmother was Marie Franí§oise Richard [who have sta]ted that they do not know how to sign as required by [law. [signed] LeR]iche, missionary priest

Part of this record was obliterated and cannot be read. I reconstructed the record using information from other records and information I already knew about the individuals named. The reconstructed portions of the record are shown in square brackets.

This record can be found as image 34/948 in the Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on Ancestry.com as part of the records for Cap-St-Ignace 1679-1808. The record appears on folio 32 verso (the reverse of folio 32).

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Joseph Gamache – 1707

On 30 Apr 1707, Joseph Gamache, son of Louis Gamache and Angelique Minville, was born. He was baptized in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France on the 01 May 1707.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Joseph Gamache - 1707

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Joseph Gamache – 1707

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France, 1707. Birth and Baptismal Record of Joseph Gamache, folio 31 recto.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Joseph Gamache – 1707. Translated from the French the record reads:

Bap[tism] of Joseph Gamache

I[n the year one-thousand seven]-hundred seven on the thirtieth first day of the month of May [was baptized] by me, the undersigned missionary priest of the Seminary [of Québec serv]ing the functions of the pastor of the parish of St. Ignace, [Joseph, born on] the previous day in the evening, son of Louis Gamache and Angélique [Minville his] wife. The Godfather was Joseph Minville and the Godmother [was Louise Cloutier] wife of Eustache Fortin, who have stated that they do not know h[ow to sign as] required by law. [signed] Philippe Rageot, missionary priest

Part of this record was obliterated and cannot be read. I reconstructed the record using information from other records and information I already knew about the individuals named. The reconstructed portions of the record are shown in square brackets.

This record can be found as image 32/948 in the Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on Ancestry.com as part of the records for Cap-St-Ignace 1679-1808. The record appears on folio 31 recto (the obverse of folio 31).

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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The Birth and Baptism of Genevií¨ve Elisabeth Gamache – 1705

On 25 Dec 1705, Genevií¨ve Elisabeth Gamache, daughter of Louis Gamache and Angélique Minville, was born. She was baptized in St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France on the same day.

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Genevieve Elisabeth Gamache - 1705

The Birth and Baptismal Record of Geneviéve Elisabeth Gamache – 1705

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. St. Ignace du Cap St. Ignace, Cap St. Ignace, Québec, New France, 1705. Birth and Baptismal Record of Geneviéve Elisabeth Gamache, folio 29 recto.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Birth and Baptismal Record of Geneviéve Elisabeth Gamache – 1705. Translated from the French the record reads:

Bap[tism] of Geneviéve Elisabeth Gamache
On the [twenty-fi]fth day of the month of December in the year one-thousand seven-hundred five [was baptized] by me, the undersigned missionary priest of the Seminary o[f Québec ser]ving the functions of the pastor of the parish of St. Ignace, G[enevií¨ve] Elisabeth, born on this same night, daughter of Louis Gamache and [Angélique] Minville his wife, residing in the same parish. The Godfather [and Godmother] were Charles Fortin and Elisabeth Gamache who [have stated] that they do not know how to sign or write as required by [law.]     [signed] Philippe Rageot, mission[ary] priest

Part of this record is torn away. I have reconstructed the record as best I can and have enclosed the missing portions in square brackets.

This record can be found as image 30/948 in the Québec Vital Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 on Ancestry.com as part of the records for Cap-St-Ignace 1679-1808. The record appears on folio 29 recto (the obverse of folio 29).

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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Autumn Colors at Filoli

I stopped by Filoli on Thursday to take some final photos for the year. Except for some special holiday events, Filoli closes to visitors on Sunday.

Washington Thorn

Crataegus phaenopyrum (Washington Thorn)

SOURCE: Crataegus phaenopyrum (Washington Thorn) (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 23 Oct 2008.

Oak Leaves at Filoli

Oak Leaves at Filoli

SOURCE: Oak Leaves at Filoli (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 23 Oct 2008.

Camperdown Elm

Ulmus glabra ‘Camperdownii’ (Camperdown Elm)

SOURCE: Ulmus glabra ‘Camperdownii’ (Camperdown Elm) (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 23 Oct 2008.

Ivy at Filoli

Ivy at Filoli

SOURCE: Ivy at Filoli (Woodside, San Mateo County, California). Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 23 Oct 2008.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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