Monthly Archives: November 2011

The Roman Forum – Part 6

The Arch of Titus was built in 81 AD by the Emperor Domatian to celebrate the deification of his deceased predecessor and brother, Titus. The arch is located at the east end of the Roman Forum, close to the Colosseum. … Continue reading

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The Roman Forum – Part 5

The Temple of Divus Romulus (Tempio di Romolo) in the Roman Forum was constructed to honor Romulus, the deified son of Emperor Maxentius in 309 AD. In the sixth century, the temple was converted into the vestibule for the Basilica … Continue reading

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The Roman Forum – Part 4

Moving through the Roman Forum to the southeast, one passes the Tempio del Divo Giulio (Temple of Caesar). Construction of this temple was begun after the Roman Senate deified Julius Caesar and was dedicated to the cult of a comet … Continue reading

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The Roman Forum – Part 3

The Curia Julia in the Roman Forum holds several important objects including the Plutei of Trajan, a pair of stone balustrades found in the Forum. These balustrades were not part of the Curia Julia, but they are historically important because … Continue reading

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The Roman Forum – Part 2

The Curia Julia was one of the buildings where the Roman Senate gathered. The reason why the Curia Julia has survived while most others have not is that the building was converted into the Basilica of Sant’Adriano al Foro in … Continue reading

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The Roman Forum – Part 1

The Forum was the center for public life in ancient Rome. Today, the Forum lies mostly in ruins. At the northwest corner of the forum stands the Arch of Septimius Severus dedicated in 203 AD to commemorate the victories of … Continue reading

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The Basilica of Saint Peter in Chains, Rome

The Basilica of Saint Peter in Chains (San Pietro in Vincoli) is located near the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. Its façade is modest. If one did not know the basilica was there, one might pass by, thinking that the structure … Continue reading

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A Walk Along the Tiber River in Rome

As the Tiber River winds through Rome, Italy, pedestrians can stroll along at the level of the river itself or on the streets above the walls that protect Rome from flooding. From the north, one passes a number of bridges … Continue reading

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The Palace of Justice and the Ponte Umberto I in Rome

The Palace of Justice is located along the right bank of the Tiber River in Rome. Over the front door is a sculpture of Justice flanked by Law and Strength. In front of the building are statues of Cicero, Papiniano, … Continue reading

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Atop Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome

Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome, Italy is in remarkably good repair considering that it is over 1800 years old .  The fact that the structure has been in nearly constant use since it was built undoubtedly has contributed to its preservation. … Continue reading

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