Monthly Archives: September 2011

Place Foch and Palais Fesch in Ajaccio, Corsica, France

In Place Foch in Ajaccio, Corsica, France stands a statue of Napoleon dressed as first consul in a toga with a dove on his head. Ajaccio has been described as one large monument to Napoleon with a few houses around … Continue reading

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The Birthplace of Napoleon and the Citadel in Ajaccio, Corsica, France

Napoleon Bonaparte was born in a four story house not far from the citadel in Ajaccio, Corsica, France. The Citadel in Ajaccio is located a couple of blocks from this house. Napoleon certainly would have been familiar with the Citadel … Continue reading

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The Cathedral of the Assumption in Ajaccio, Corsica, France

The Cathedral of the Assumption in Ajaccio, Corsica, France is the place where Napoleon Bonaparte was baptized on 21 July 1771. The main altar is from the Dei Suffraganti church in Lucca and was given to the cathedral by Napoleon’s … Continue reading

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Ajaccio Cemetery and the Coast of Corsica

The cemetery in Ajaccio, Corsica is largely occupied by above-ground tombs. The tradition of entombing the dead above ground rather than below has its roots in the Genovese origins of Corsica. Traveling a bit further to the west along the … Continue reading

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Place d’Austerlitz in Ajaccio, Corsica

La Place d’Austerlitz in Ajaccio, Corsica is the location of an enormous monument to Napoleon Bonaparte. Not seen in the photograph below are two eagles surmounting the years in which Napoleon was born and died (1769-1821). The year of Napoleon’s … Continue reading

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The Granary Market and Farewell to Pompeii, Italy

On the west side of the Pompeii forum (VII.8) was the granary market (VII.7.29), now used for the storage of supplies and artifacts. Looking into various parts of the granary market, the visitor can see the plaster cast of the … Continue reading

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Banned Books Week 2011

Every year at this time, the last week of September, I get some enjoyment from reading through the lists of frequently challenged books at the website of the American Library Association. It’s Banned Books Week! Every year, some of my … Continue reading

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The Temple of Jupiter and the Arch of Augustus in Pompeii, Italy

The forum was the economic, political, and religious center of Pompeii. At the north end, stand the ruins of the temple of Jupiter. To the west of the temple of Jupiter is the Arch of Augustus. To the east of … Continue reading

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The Macellum (Marketplace) in Pompeii, Italy

The macellum or marketplace in Pompeii is located in the forum. In the northwest corner are several well-preserved paintings on the walls. In front of the paintings are two display cases each containing a plaster cast of the body of … Continue reading

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The Building of Eumachia and the House of the Popidii

Eumachia, who inherited a large sum of money from her father, financed the construction of the Building of Eumachia, which faces the Forum of Pompeii (VII.9.1). The inscription on colonnade at the front of the building read: Eumachia, daughter of … Continue reading

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