Monthly Archives: September 2009

To Krakow

It’s been a very busy day. Continue reading

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Mogę mówić po Polsku!

I can speak Polish! Today I held my first conversations completely in Polish. The converations weren’t much at all, but still I did not resort to English. Continue reading

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A Blanket, a Cat, and a Form

I spent most of the day at the Archives with my cousin Christa today. For the most part, we searched through books of Polish Court Records and did, indeed, find records of our families. Continue reading

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Z Kalifornii do Nowego Jorku

Today, I travelled from California to New York. Continue reading

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The Family of Adam Obiedziński and Katarzyna Jazwieńska

Yesterday, I listed the children of Maciej Obiedziński and Marianna Milewska. Today, I searched for the Maciej’s siblings, but only found two sisters. Continue reading

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The Family of Maciej Obiedziński and Marianna Milewska

After posting about my research on the family of Adam Obiedziński and Faustyna Apolonia Obiedzińska, my cousin Christa wrote to me with a wealth of information she has from her own research on the Obiedziński family. She told me about another daughter of Adam and Faustyna Apolonia Obiedziński, born on 28 Dec 1802 and named Elzbieta. Continue reading

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The Family of Adam Obiedziński and Apolonia Obiedziński

One of my favorite names is that of my first cousin six-times removed, Faustina Apolonia Obiedzińska. Continue reading

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The Wici Dancers

At last weekend’s conference of the Polish Genealogical Society of America, the Wici Dancers entertained attendees at the Saturday luncheon. Continue reading

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The 2009 Conference of the Polish Genealogical Society of America – Day 2

The 2009 Conference of the Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA) ended on Saturday. I attended four lectures out of the thirteen offered. Continue reading

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The 2009 Conference of the Polish Genealogical Society of America – Day 1

Today was the first day of the 2009 Conference of the Polish Genealogical Society of America. Continue reading

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