Monthly Archives: December 2007

Grandfather, the Die Setter

In 1946, my grandparents were listed in the city directory with only two changes from the 1945 edition. In the second entry for my grandfather, his occupation was changed from set-up man to die setter and his home address was added. Continue reading

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Cookies Come in a Tin, Don't They?

Mom rarely baked cookies. At the holidays, there really was no need. Everyone seemed to give us cookies at Christmastime, so there was never a cookie shortage in our house. Continue reading

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My Mother, Computer Operator

In 1945, my grandparents were listed in the city directory with only two changes from the 1944 edition. My mother, Jane A. Niedzialkowski, is listed as a computer operator. This occupation is different from her occupations of key punch operator … Continue reading

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Assignment: Bring Wire Hanger and Tissue Paper

Sister Marie DeLourdes gave our first-grade class an unusual assignment in December 1961. Each student was to bring in one wire clothes hanger and a supply of tissue paper in whatever colors we wanted. My mother looked at the list, … Continue reading

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My Mother, Clerk

In 1944, my grandparents were listed in the city directory with three of their five children. My mother, Jane A. Niedzialkowski, is listed as a clerk. This occupation is different from her occupation of key punch operator as listed in … Continue reading

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Christmas Requests for Santa

My sisters and I poured over the Sears Catalog and the Montgomery Ward Catalog and whatever other holiday shopping catalogs we had in the house. In the 1960s, most of the large department stores distributed huge catalogs with pictures of all their wares and, … Continue reading

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My Mother, Key Punch Operator

In 1943, my grandparents were listed in the city directory along with four of their five children. My mother, Jane A. Niedzialkowski, is listed for the first time. Her occupation was key punch operator, a career to which she would … Continue reading

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Dad Strings the Outside Lights

My sisters and I stood, just inside the front door of the house, watching our father as he hung the decorations on the front porch. The wind gusted and tried to snatch away the aluminum garland Dad was trying to affix … Continue reading

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Grandfather, the Set Up Man

In 1942, my grandparents were still living at 18 Huntington Ave., but my grandfather’s occupation had apparently changed again. Continue reading

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Holiday Cards and Holiday Tape

As far back as I can remember, my family always sent Christmas cards to friends and relatives. My mother wrote the Christmas cards herself, a job that took several days since she hand-wrote a personal message to each recipient. Continue reading

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