Monthly Archives: December 2007

Frank Niedzialkoski in the 1909 City Directory

My grandfather’s uncle, Frank Niedzialkoski was listed in the Worcester City Directory in 1909 at a new address. Worcester Directory 1909 Entry for Frank Niedzialkoski SOURCE: Massachusetts City Directories, Worcester 1909, page 501, Frank Niedzialkosky; digital image, ( : … Continue reading

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Santa in the Furnace and Stockings on the Radiator

“Mom, can we get Christmas stockings?” my sisters and I begged. There, in the store, was a woman displaying fuzzy red stockings with white trim. She asked her customers how they wanted their stockings personalized and then she carefully applied … Continue reading

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Frank Niedzialkoski in the 1907 City Directory

My grandfather’s uncle, Frank Niedzialkoski was listed in the Worcester City Directory in 1907 at a new address. Continue reading

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Midnight Mass and Incense

As an altar boy, my favorite job was as thurifer. Continue reading

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Frank Niedzialkoski in the 1905 City Directory

My grandfather’s uncle, Frank Niedzialkoski, immigrated to the United States in 1903 and was listed in the Worcester City Directory for the first time in 1905. Worcester Directory 1910 Entry for Frank Niedzialkoski SOURCE: Massachusetts City Directories, Worcester 1905, page … Continue reading

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The Shepherd Chief

Sister Marie DeLourdes finished her list of the characters in the first grade Christmas pageant and stepped back from the blackboard. Continue reading

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Frank Niedzialkosky in the 1910 Worcester Directory

In the 1910 Worcester Directory published by Drew Allis Co., Frank Niedzialkosky is listed at that same address. Continue reading

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A Polka Christmas

On one particular evening close to Christmas, my father brought out our portable phonograph and set it up on the floor in front of the tree. He brought out his 78s of Polka music and placed one of the brittle black discs on the phonograph. Continue reading

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The Niedzialkowskis in the 1965 Worcester City Directory

In 1965, my grandparents, one of their children, and three of their cousins were listed in the Worcester city directory. Continue reading

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Love Song to a Fruitcake

O Fruitcake, how I long to set you free,
And see you where you surely ought to be, Continue reading

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