Monthly Archives: November 2007

The U.S. Passport Application for Margaret Coyle Gibson

Sometime before 1920, Margaret returned to her native Ireland with the three children, never to return to the United States. I didn’t know exactly when Margaret left the United States, why she left, or why she failed to return.

The U.S. Passport Applications provides the answers to two of those questions. Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal, Gibson | 1 Comment

The Polish Village of Czarnostowo (Czarnostów)

The Polish village of Czarnostowo lies close to the village of Pomaski where my grandfather lived. I’m continuing to translate the entries for neighboring villages in order to get a better understanding of what the area where my grandfather grew up was like. … Continue reading

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Dennis Valentine O'Connor's Fateful Trip to Ireland

I wanted to write something for the inaugural edition of the Carnival of Irish Heritage and Culture, but I have no Irish heritage myself. None. At all. That statement belies the fact that my CD collection is full of Celtic music … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal, O'Connor | Tagged | 2 Comments

Do You Really Want to Know What I'm Reading?

Becky at Kinexxions and Schelly at Tracing the Tribe have tagged me for the 161 meme, whereby I’m asked to turn to page 161 of the book I’m currently reading and read the 6th sentence on that page. I tend … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal | 3 Comments

The Polish Village of Boby

The Polish village of Boby lies close to the village of Pomaski where my grandfather lived. I previously had translated the Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego entry for Pomaski, but I have decided to translate the entries for neighboring villages in … Continue reading

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More Churches in the Old Town of Vilnius

The Old Town of Vilnius is one of the largest in Europe, and the churches of the Old Town seem to appear wherever one’s gaze wanders. Some of the churches have been breathtakingly restored. Others remain in a state of … Continue reading

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More Annotations on Immigrant Passenger Manifests

Officials frequently entered statistical information in unused spaces on the manifest and, thus, the “Date and Cause of Death” column was used to keep subtotals of the numbers of male and female passengers from different countries. Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal | 1 Comment

The Samsanavicius House in Seirijai

On Wednesday, 24 October 2007, my cousins Vitas, Liliana, and I visited Seirijai, Lithuania where Vitas’ and Liliana’s grandparents Jonas Samsanavicius and Ona Chmielewska lived. Ona was the sister of my own grandmother, Helena Chmielewska. Continue reading

Posted in Chmielewski/Meleski, Daily Journal | Tagged | 3 Comments

The Hill of Three Crosses and Gediminas Hill

Two popular stops for tourists in Vilnius, Lithuania are the Hill of Three Crosses and Gediminas Hill. Continue reading

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World War II Draft Registration Card for Michael Danko

My grandfather, Michael Danko, registered for the World War II draft in the fourth registration conducted in 1942. The fourth registration, also known as the old man’s registration, was officially conducted on 27 April 1942 . All men born on or between 28 … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal, Dańko | 3 Comments