Monthly Archives: April 2007

One Day Blog Silence

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The Birth and Baptism of Joseph Charles Gédéon Patenaude – 1872

Born two years after Marie Zénaí¯de Zite Patenaude, Joseph Charles Gédéon Patenaude was born in 1872. His record is designated as B.28, near the top of this page, the front of folio seven. The Birth and Baptismal Record of Joseph … Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Marie-Zenaide-Zite Patenaude – 1870

My uncle, John Danko, married Alice Charron. The two were my Godparents. Alice’s mother was Marie-Zénaí¯de-Zite Patenaude, who was born in Coaticook, Québec, Canada in 1870, and was baptized in either the Mission of St. Edmond or the Mission of … Continue reading

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The Death and Burial of Sarah Waters Gibson – 1890

Sarah Waters, the wife of John Gibson, died on 02 Jan 1890 and was buried on 04 Jan 1890. She was 85 years old at the time of her death. The Death and Burial Record of Sarah Waters Gibson -1890 … Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Clark Gibson – 1823 and 1867

Clark Gibson, the son of John Gibson and Sarah Waters, was born in 1823 and baptized in 1867. His baptism is recorded in the folios of John Armstrong, a minister of the Wesleyan Methodist Congregations of the circuit of Saint … Continue reading

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The Family of Clark Gibson in the 1871 Census of Canada

Clark Gibson, the son of John Gibson and Sarah Waters, was enumerated in the 1871 Census of Canada in the Village of Philipsburg, not far from where John and Sarah were enumerated. Clark Gibson Family in the 1871 Census of Canada … Continue reading

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The Families of John Gibson and William Gibson in the 1871 Census of Canada

While at the Family History Library recently, one of my goals was to obtain additional records of the Gibson family in the Canadian Census. I had previously presented the records from the 1851 Census and the 1861 Census. The records … Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Maryanna Izbicki

Maryanna Izbicki, the sister of Franciszek Izbicki, was born a few years before Franciszek, in 1821. The Birth and Baptismal Record of Maryanna Izbicki – 1821 SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish of the Immaculate Conception of Mary in Wigry, Poland. Księga … Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Franciszek Izbicki

Over the past couple of days, I posted the Birth and Baptismal Record of Dominik Izbicki and Piotr Izbicki. Their father was Franciszek Izbicki, who was born in 1824 and whose record was number 22 in the Birth Register for … Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Piotr Izbicki

Dominik Izbicki’s brother, Piotr, was born in Piertanie in 1851. His birth and baptism was recorded as entry number 90 for that year. The Birth and Baptismal Record of Piotr Izbicki SOURCE: Roman Catholic Parish of the Immaculate Conception of … Continue reading

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