Monthly Archives: August 2006

Mary Golinski’s Petition for Naturalization

Great Aunt Mary’s birthdate is either January 12, 1884 or March 12, 1887, depending on whether one consults the documents generated prior to her immigration or the documents generated after her arrival in the United States. One nagging question, however, is:  … Continue reading

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Great Aunt Mary’s Certificate of Arrival

I have been trying to learn when my Great Aunt Mary was born .  I have examined a number of sources and have learned the following: Marianna’s Birth and Baptismal Record, a Church Record from Poland, shows that her birth date was … Continue reading

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More Photos from Verdun

A few days ago I posted some photographs that Lewis Michaels shot while in Verdun, the site of one of the costliest battles of World War I .  Today, I’m posting some of my own photos from Verdun .  A … Continue reading

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John Jwanauski’s Passenger Manifest

I had previously searched for John Jwanauski’s passenger manifest at the Ellis Island Records site and at Stephen Morse’s site without success .  I also couldn’t find his name by scrolling through all the pages of the manifest one-by-one .  Finally, I searched the … Continue reading

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John Jwanauski Detained at Ellis Island

In John Jwanauski’s Declaration of Intention to become a citizen of the United States, he stated that, when he was 20 years old, he left his birthplace of Kovno, Russia, set sail from Bremen, Germany on the Grosser Kurfurst and, on December 15, 1912, arrived … Continue reading

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A Visit to Verdun, France

John Jwanauski served in the U.S. Army in World War I .  He was stationed in the Gérardmer Sector, Vosges, France and was deployed in the Meuse Argonne Offensive, the battle that led to Germany’s signing of the Armistice on November 11, … Continue reading

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The Honorable Discharge of John Jwanauski

I planned to publish photos from the area of France where John Jwanauski served during World War I, but I’m waiting to obtain permission from the person who took the photographs I’d like to publish. Meanwhile, I’ve had a busy … Continue reading

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The World War I Enlistment Record of John Jwanauski

John Jwanauski immigrated into the United States on December 15, 1912. In July 1917, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and fought for the United States in World War I .  The record of his enlistment provides some details of … Continue reading

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John Jwanauski’s Declaration of Intention

Last month I received an email from Jay Evans who told me that he had been unsuccessfully looking for the Immigrant Passenger Manifest for John Jwanauski, and asked me if I had any suggestions. I asked Jay for more information and … Continue reading

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A Visit to the Family History Center

I’m currently taking an online course from the University of Toronto – The National Institute for Genealogical Studies entitled Research at Family History Centers .  Even though I’ve been to the Family History Library (FHL) in Salt Lake City many times, I’ve … Continue reading

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