Monthly Archives: August 2006

Helen Niedzialkowski in the Naturalization Index

My grandmother, Helen Niedzialkowski, became a citizen of the United States on June 12, 1953, forty years after she arrived in the country .  I’m not sure what inspired her to become a citizen after all those years, especially since … Continue reading

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When Was Census Day?

The United States Decennial Census has been conducted on different days throughout its history, and the information contained in the census might be interpreted in different ways, depending on whether the information was accurate as of the official day of … Continue reading

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Evaluating the Quality of Great Aunt Mary’s Records

After coming to a decision about how to define Original Source, Derivative Source, Primary Information, Secondary Information, Exact Image, and Original Record, it’s time to decide how some of the records I’ve collected on my Great Aunt Mary stack up. … Continue reading

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Primary and Secondary Information

The information contained within a source, whether the source is original or derivative, may be Primary Information or Secondary Information. PRIMARY INFORMATION:  details originally recorded at the time or close to the time of an event by a participant, eyewitness, or … Continue reading

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Barb Poole on Internet Genealogy and WorldCat

Barb Poole has written another article for today’s Blog . Â Â Someday Barb and I will have to actually meet each other!  Here’s Barb’s GuestBlog: I wrote a piece about a new genealogy magazine in Steve’s blog of May 20th, in which … Continue reading

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New Definitions of Original Source and Derivative Source (A Proposal)

The definitions for Original Source and Derivative Source provided in the literature sometimes don’t seem to fit the needs of genealogists .  In particular, the literature places exact images such as photocopies and microfilm images in the category of Derivative Sources … Continue reading

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Original Sources, Derivative Sources, Exact Images, and Original Records

A few days ago, I wrote about using A Preponderance of Evidence to come to a conclusion in genealogical studies, and in that article I provided the definition of Original Source as published in The BCG Genealogical Standards Manual: “original source:  … Continue reading

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Complete, Accurate Citations

The Genealogical Proof Standard requires a complete, accurate citation of sources .  While finding the sources in the first place may be a more difficult task than citing the sources, even the most skilled genealogists get stumped from time-to-time on how … Continue reading

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The Genealogical Proof Standard

When evaluating the quality of genealogical information and the sources in which that information appears, genealogists are often confronted with conflicting data .  Thus, the concept of a preponderance of the evidence has been adopted from the legal profession and applied to … Continue reading

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A Preponderance of Evidence

In attempting to determine my Great Aunt Mary’s birthdate, I had to acquire a large number of documents and evaluate the birth information contained therein .  In U.S. civil courts, the idea of “preponderance of the evidence” is often used … Continue reading

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