Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Marriage of Jan Niedziałkowski and Ludwika Pomaska – 1889 – Part 1

While at the Family History Center in San Bruno on Wednesday, I discovered the marriage 1889 record for Jan Niedziałkowski and Ludwika Pomoska. Continue reading

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Carnival of Eastern European Genealogy – First (Given) Names

I’m pleased to host the Carnival of Eastern European Genealogy this month. Continue reading

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Given Names in the Niedziałkowski Family

In some Polish families, given names are reused, with children being named for other relatives. Not so in mine. In fact, the only times that names were deliberately reused was when a child died at a young age and the … Continue reading

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Saturday at the Polish Genealogical Society of America Conference

I attended four lectures on this second and final day of the annual conference of the Polish Genealogical Society of America. Continue reading

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Friday at the Polish Genealogical Society of America Conference

Today was the first day of the annual conference of the Polish Genealogical Society of America. Continue reading

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Six Days in Boston

I arrived in Boston at 6:30 this morning on the redeye. Continue reading

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Ten Essential Books in My Genealogy Library

Ten essential books in my genealogy library are: Continue reading

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Three in Hats

Photographs show us people as they were at a specific point in time. As such, we can see what our ancestors looked like, what clothes they wore, and what they did. Continue reading

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Ma's Skirt

Romualda and I shared news and photographs, and then Romualda gave me a gift that I treasure: a skirt my great-grandmother Anastasia made for my grandmother 100 years ago. Continue reading

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San Francisco Bay Area Genealogy Calendar -September 2008

San Francisco Bay Area Genealogy Calendar -September 2008 Continue reading

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