Category Archives: Niedziałkowski

The Birth and Baptism of Marianna Niedziałkowska – 1847

Among the records I found in the microfilms at my local Family History Center today was the birth record of Marianna Niedziałkowska, daughter of my third great grandparents, Antoni Niedziałkowski and Karolina Milewska. Continue reading

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Understanding Polish Birth and Baptismal Records from the Congress Kingdom of Poland (1826-1868)

Throughout history, church and civil records in Poland have assumed a variety of forms. The manner in which the records were maintained depended on the location and the time period. Continue reading

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Born at the Right Time

My fourth great grandfather, Tomasz Niedziałkowksi, lived a relatively unusual life. He was born on 20 Dec 1750, he married for the first time at age 34, he lived in four different countries although he never lived more than 10 miles from the place he was born, he fathered children when he was 60, and he died just short of his 76th birthday. Continue reading

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Recombinational Loss of Heterozygosity (recLOH) in the Niedzialkowski DNA Project

I recently organized a Y-DNA study of my Niedzialkowski/Niedzialkoski cousins to try to confirm the relationship between two Worcester County, Massachusetts families. Continue reading

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My Genetic Ancestry

Late last year, I ordered several DNA tests from Family Tree DNA. Not all the results are in yet, but the results so far have provided good start on understanding my genetic ancestry. At the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree, I was able to meet with two of the folks from Family Tree DNA who were kind enough to help explain the results obtained so far. Continue reading

Posted in Chmielewski/Meleski, Daily Journal, Dańko, Dziurzyński, Niedziałkowski | Tagged | Comments Off on My Genetic Ancestry

New Discoveries About Damian Niedzialkowski / Damian Cosky

After finding Damian Niedzialkowski’s Naturalization Records, I discovered that, during the Naturalization Process, Damian changed his name to Damian Cosky. Continue reading

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The Petition for Naturalization of Damian Niedzialkowski – 1938

In 1938, Damian Niedzialkowski completed the requirements to become a citizen of the United States. Continue reading

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The Certificate of Arrival for Damian Niedzialkowski – 1935

As part of his Petition for Naturalization, Damian Niedzialkowski was required to show that he had arrived in the United States legally. To do this, the U.S. Department of Labor produced a Certificate of Arrival that detailed his entry into the United States. Continue reading

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The Declaration of Intent of Damian Niedzialkowski – 1935

My Niedzialkowski ancestors lived in Worcester, Massachusetts, and so did two other Niedzialkowski families. After discovering church records in Poland and various civil records in Worcester, I’ve hypothesized that all the Niedzialkowski families in Worcester are related to my own. Continue reading

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The Swimsuit Edition

As Summer draws near, it’s time for the Swimsuit Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy. Continue reading

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