Category Archives: Niedziałkowski

Stephanie Meleski’s Will

One day in 1973, my grandmother, Helen (Chmielewska) Niedzialkowski, asked if someone could give her a lift .  When asked where she needed to go, she said that she needed to clean out an apartment .  When asked why she … Continue reading

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Certificates of Citizenship

Friday’s entry completed the story of my grandfather’s immigration and naturalization experiences, but I didn’t post the Certificate of Naturalization of Kostanty Niedzialkowski (clicking on the link above will bring up a PDF file, and clicking on the image below will … Continue reading

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The Petition for Naturalization

Kostanty Niedzialkowski obtained a Certificate of Arrival on April 5, 1935 and filed a new Declaration of Intention on April 27, 1935 .  He had to wait at least three years but no more than seven years before filing a … Continue reading

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Kostanty Files His Declaration of Intention

In 1917, my maternal grandfather, Kostanty Niedzialkowski, filed his Declaration of Intention to become a citizen of the United States. The Declaration of Intention was the first document an alien had to file in order to become a citizen . Â For that reason, the … Continue reading

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Konstanti Arrives at Ellis Island

My maternal grandfather, Konstanti Niedziałkoski (who later in life spelled his name Kostanty Niedzialkowski) left his home in the Russian Partition of Poland and set off for a new life in America .  From what I have learned about the … Continue reading

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Massachusetts Cemetery Records

Two previous entries on this blog have dealt with cemetery records, so it’s about time to see what some of these records look like. My experiences in cemeteries have been varied – the employees at some cemeteries have bent over backwards to help me find the graves for which I was looking, providing me with maps, copies of the burial records, and directions to the graves. Others have been quite unfriendly, asking “Is this for genealogy?” (usually accompanied by a cold stare). Some cemeteries have charged for copies of the burial records, others have not. In general, if the cemetery doesn’t charge for the copies and the employees have been helpful, I usually offer to make a donation. Sometimes there is a “Friends of the Cemetery” group or a special project for which the cemetery is raising funds. Continue reading

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Dancing in the Aisles and Other Matters

A few days ago, I promised to write more about Ceil Jensen’s multimedia presentation that she promised would have us dancing in the aisles. Continue reading

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World War II Draft Cards

The Family History Library (FHL) holds 166 microfilm reels of World War II Selective Service System Registration Cards for the state of Massachusetts. These are the Draft Registration Cards for the Fourth Registration conducted in 1942 and include men born between 28 APR 1877 and 16 FEB 1897. Continue reading

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First Day at the Family History Library

Right now, it’s about noon in Salt Lake City, and I’m writing from the Family History Library (FHL). My plane was about two hours late last night, and I arrived at the hotel after midnight, but I still managed to get to the FHL before 9 AM this morning. Continue reading

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