Category Archives: Niedziałkowski

The Death of Józef Niedziałkowski – 1862

Józef, son of my 2nd great grand uncle Ludwik Niedziałkowski and his wife Józefa Pomaska, died on 31 October 1862. Józef was just eight days old. The Death Record of Józef Niedziałkowski – 1862 SOURCE: Parafia Podwyższenia Św. Jana Chrzciciela … Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Joanna Niedziałkowska – 1871

A daughter named Joanna was born to my 2nd great grand uncle Ludwik Niedziałkowski and his wife Józefa Pomaska on 15 February 1871. Ludwik was, in turn, the brother of my 2nd great grandfather, Wojciech Niedziałkowski. Continue reading

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The Marriage of Ludwik Niedziałkowski and Józefa Pomaska – 1861

My 2nd great grand uncle Ludwik Niedziałkowski married Józefa Pomaska on 21 April 1861. Ludwik was the brother of my 2nd great grandfather, Wojciech Niedziałkowski. Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Pelagia Niedziałkowska – 1869

A daughter named Pelagia was born to my 2nd great grand uncle Ludwik Niedziałkowski and his wife Józefa Pomaska on 16 January 1869. Ludwik was, in turn, the brother of my 2nd great grandfather, Wojciech Niedziałkowski. Continue reading

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For My Mother – Part 5: The Burial

My mother, Jane A. Niedzialkowski Danko, was buried on 19 April 1980 in St. Francis Shrine – A, Row D, Grave 8 at Our Lady of Angels Cemetery in Albany, New York. Continue reading

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For My Mother – Part 4: The Final Years

As my sisters and I grew older and more independent, my mother began to consider working outside the home. She attended classes to become a keypunch operator and was the first person in our family to work with computers. Continue reading

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For My Mother – Part 3: Fighting an Illness and Adopting a Cat

As a bookkeeper, my mother excelled. She had an extraordinary sense of detail and precision, a sense that extended to her housekeeping. Continue reading

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For My Mother – Part 2: Marriage and Raising Children

When the United States entered World War II, all three of my maternal uncles joined the war effort: my mother’s older brother Ray entered the US Coast Guard, her younger brother Fred entered the US Naval Armed Guard, and her youngest brother Henry entered … Continue reading

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For My Mother – Part 1: The Immigrants' Daughter

Today is my mother’s birthday. She was born on 06 October 1922 at home at 194 Prescott Street in Worcester, Massachusetts. She died on 16 April 1980 in St. Peter’s Hospital, Albany, New York at age 57. She would have … Continue reading

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The World War I Draft Registration Card for Konstanty Niedzialkowski

At the same time I received a color copy of my paternal grandfather’s World War I Draft Registration Card, I received the color digital image of my maternal grandfather’s card: Click on the link for a PDF Copy of the World War I … Continue reading

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