Category Archives: Lather

The Immigration of Georg Lather and Family – 1867

Georg Lather, his wife Louise Gade, son Johannes Lather, and another passenger named Louise Gade travelled together from Bremen to New York on the Steamer New York. They arrived in New York on 24 June 1867. Continue reading

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The Birth and Baptism of Johannes Lather – 1860

On 17 Aug 1860, Johannes Lather, son of Johann Georg Lather and Louise Gade, was born in Kirtorf, Alsfed Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany). He was baptized in the parish church in Kirtorf, Alsfeld Kreis, Hessen-Darmstadt (now Germany) on 26 Aug 1860. Continue reading

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Naturalizations in Albany County, New York

Back in October, Gayl Dandurand sent me an email to tell me about the Naturalization Index available through the Albany County, New York Hall of Records. The naturalization records indexed on this site are only for Albany County, New York, but … Continue reading

Posted in Dańko, Halaszyn, Lather, Priznar, Siracusa, Walkama | Tagged , , | 1 Comment