Category Archives: Dańko

The Marriage of Jakub Dańko & Agnieszka Sowa

A while back, I published the Birth and Baptismal Records for my Uncle Jan Dańko, my Aunt Zofia Dańko, and my Grandfather Michał Dańko, all born in Nienadowa, and baptised in Dubiecko, Galicia (Austria-Poland) .  The information on the Birth … Continue reading

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The Dańkos of Nienadowa and Wesoła

Back in May, I wrote that I found three passenger manifests that might include the name of my Great Aunt Mary (Dańko) Goliński: Marianna Dańko, age 25, from Nienadowa, Austria Marya Dańko, age 27, from Nienadowa, Austria Marya Dańko, age … Continue reading

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Evaluating the Quality of Great Aunt Mary’s Records

After coming to a decision about how to define Original Source, Derivative Source, Primary Information, Secondary Information, Exact Image, and Original Record, it’s time to decide how some of the records I’ve collected on my Great Aunt Mary stack up. … Continue reading

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Complete, Accurate Citations

The Genealogical Proof Standard requires a complete, accurate citation of sources .  While finding the sources in the first place may be a more difficult task than citing the sources, even the most skilled genealogists get stumped from time-to-time on how … Continue reading

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Mary Golinski’s Petition for Naturalization

Great Aunt Mary’s birthdate is either January 12, 1884 or March 12, 1887, depending on whether one consults the documents generated prior to her immigration or the documents generated after her arrival in the United States. One nagging question, however, is:  … Continue reading

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Great Aunt Mary’s Certificate of Arrival

I have been trying to learn when my Great Aunt Mary was born .  I have examined a number of sources and have learned the following: Marianna’s Birth and Baptismal Record, a Church Record from Poland, shows that her birth date was … Continue reading

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Cemetery Iconography and Designing Bronisława’s Monument

The first burial in what would become a shared grave for my Aunt Bronisława was made in 1912.  Now, 94 years later, a monument will be erected on the grave.  I have thought long and hard about how to design … Continue reading

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The Birth and Death of Aunt Bronisława

My Aunt Bronisława Dańko died when she was one year old and was buried with two other infants in an unmarked grave in Notre Dame Cemetery in Worcester, Massachusetts. In order to erect on monument on the grave, the cemetery requires that the names of all three infants be included on the monument. The cemetery provided the following information on the three infants: Continue reading

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Michael Danko and John Dziurzynski in the 1930 Census

My great uncle, John Dziurzynski, immigrated to the United States in 1912 .  He should be enumerated in the 1920 and 1930 U.S. Federal Census Records, and he should also be listed in the World War I Draft Registration Cards (1917-1918) .  … Continue reading

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Immigration of Johann Dziurzyński and Pawel Goliński

John Dziurzyński was the brother of my paternal grandmother .  I have only two records for him, one of which is his Ellis Island Passenger Arrival Manifest .  John was listed on the passenger manifest as Johann Dzuzynski and he … Continue reading

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