Category Archives: Daily Journal

The Sculptures of Saxon Garden, Warsaw (Part 3)

The sandstone sculptures in the Saxon Garden in Warsaw were, for the most part, created before 1745 by anonymous sculptors. Over the centuries, most of the sculptures were lost or destroyed. Continue reading

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The Sculptures of Saxon Garden, Warsaw (Part 2)

The Saxon Garden was originally built behind the Saxon Palace, an imposing structure built in 1661-1664 for Jan Andrzej Morsztyn. In front of Saxon Palace lay Saxon Square, known today as Pilsudski Square. Continue reading

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The Sculptures of Saxon Garden, Warsaw (Part 1)

The Saxon Garden, located adjacent to Pilsudski Square in Warsaw, was among the first public gardens in the world. The garden was originally created in the 17th century and opened to the public in 1727. Continue reading

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Monuments to the Famous in Warsaw

The city of Warsaw is home to a large number of monuments to famous Poles. A quick walk along Krakowskie Przedmieście allows the visitor to view monuments to Adam Mickiewicz, Bolesław Prus, and Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński, among others. Continue reading

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Castle Square (Plac Zamkowy) in Warsaw

At the entrance to the Old Town in Warsaw is Castle Square (Plac Zamkowy). Continue reading

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The Old Town Marketplace in Warsaw (Rynek Starego Miasta)

One of the most popular tourist destinations in Warsaw is the Old Town Marketplace (Rynek Starego Miasta). Destroyed by the Nazis during World War II, this historical location was rebuilt according to the original plans using, as much as possible, the original bricks. Continue reading

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The Central Archives of Historical Documents in Warsaw

Much of my time in Warsaw was spent in the Central Archives of Historical Documents (AGAD). Continue reading

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W Barze Mlecznym (In the Milk Bar)

During this past week, I had lunch in a milk bar (bar mleczny). I don’t remember whether or not I had had a meal in a milk bar during my previous trip to Poland (at that time, I didn’t even know that milk bars existed, much less what they were), but my experiences in the Bar Under the Barbikan (Bar Pod Barbakanem) in Warsaw will be ones to remember. Continue reading

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To Krakow

It’s been a very busy day. Continue reading

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A Blanket, a Cat, and a Form

I spent most of the day at the Archives with my cousin Christa today. For the most part, we searched through books of Polish Court Records and did, indeed, find records of our families. Continue reading

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