Category Archives: Daily Journal

The Outdoor Market in Nice, France

During a brief visit to Nice, France, I visited an outdoor market with a plethora of fruits, vegetables, spices, flowers, soaps, and souvenirs. I purchased four bars of soap with wonderful fragrances and then left the soap on the bus. … Continue reading

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Piazza della Signoria, Florence, Italy

The Piazza della Signoria is the location of the Palazzo Vecchio (Old Palace) which dates back to the 14th century and now serves as Florence’s Town Hall. The door to the Palazzo Vecchio is flanked by a copy of Michelangelo’s … Continue reading

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The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence, Italy

The Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore (Basilica of St. Mary of the Flower), commonly referred to as the Duomo, is the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Florence, Italy. Construction of the Gothic structure was begun in 1296 but the Gothic … Continue reading

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Pisa, Tuscany, Italy

I’ve never made a bucket list, but if I had, a visit to Pisa would be on it. So, cross Pisa off my non-existent list. I really did not expect to be as awestruck as I was when I first … Continue reading

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A Visit to St. Peter’s Basilica

My visit to the Mediterranean began in Rome with a visit to Vatican City. I could only spend a brief time in Rome at the beginning of my trip, but I was able to walk through St. Peter’s and marvel … Continue reading

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Happy Easter!

I finished coloring Easter Eggs last night and now, as I’m getting ready for Easter Dinner, I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Easter! Easter Eggs SOURCE:  Easter Eggs (San Francisco, San Francisco County, California); photographed by Stephen … Continue reading

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Happy Fifth Birthday, Steve’s Genealogy Blog!

Today is the fifth anniversary of when I started this blog and, as such, is quite an important occasion for me .  I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do with this blog when I started it except that … Continue reading

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Coca Falls and Vistas of El Yunque Rainforest, Puerto Rico

The final photos from my Caribbean Vacation include a photo of La Coca Falls and vistas of the El Yunque Rainforest in Puerto Rico .  Unfortunately, few of the pictures I took in the afternoon were properly exposed and, basically, unusable … Continue reading

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Flowers of El Yunque Rainforest, Puerto Rico

In the El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico, I saw quite a number of flowering plants including False Bird of Paradise (Heliconia wagneriana and Heliconia bihi), and Red Ginger (Alpinia purpurata). False Bird of Paradise (Heliconia wagneriana) SOURCE:  False … Continue reading

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El Yunque Rainforest, Puerto Rico

Upon returning to Puerto Rico, I took a trip to the El Yunque Rainforest .  The first stop was the Visitor’s Center .  There, a painting by Emilio de La Botija called Sobreviviré (To Survive) depicts a Puerto Rican Parrot and emphasizes … Continue reading

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