Category Archives: Daily Journal

The Villa Medici in Rome, Italy

The Villa Medici was established by Cardinal Ferdinando I de’ Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany who acquired the property in 1576. The villa is located on the Pincio Hill, next to the Borghese Gardens, and enjoys a grand vista of … Continue reading

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The International Exhibition of Sculpture in Rome

The International Exhibition of Sculpture in Rome which ran from 24 May 2011 to 31 July 2011 included a number of sculptures in the vicinity of Casina Valadier in the Pincio Gardens of Rome, Italy. Included were such sculptures as … Continue reading

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The Spanish Steps and Pincio Gardens in Rome, Italy

The Spanish Steps (Scalinata della Trinití  dei Monti) in Rome, Italy are a popular hangout for tourists. The steps lead from Piazza di Spagna to Piazza Trinití  dei Monti with the church of the Santissima Trinití  dei Monti at the … Continue reading

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The Trevi Fountain and Other Sights in Rome, Italy

The Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy is one of the most famous fountains in the world. Legend says that if you toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain, you will return to Rome. Nicola Salvi designed the fountain which was … Continue reading

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A Room with a Splendid View in Rome, Italy

While in Rome, Italy during the last few days of my Mediterranean vacation, I stayed at the Rome Cavalieri Hotel. I chose this hotel because, while in elementary school, my class was assigned to write to our local bishop who … Continue reading

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Details of the Interior of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy

The Colosseum (or sometimes spelled Coliseum) in Rome, Italy is so called because of a colossal statue of Nero that once stood near the structure. Upon entering the Colosseum, visitors pass through hallways with numerous arches forming doorways to the … Continue reading

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The Interior of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy

The interior of the Colosseum (or Flavian Amphitheater) in Rome, Italy included a basement area or hypogeum which held the staging area for the events in the Colosseum and the cages for the wild animals used in some of the … Continue reading

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Outside the Colosseum in Rome, Italy

Near the Arch of Constantine in Rome, Italy stands the Colosseum, one of the biggest tourist attractions in the city. Construction of the Colosseum was completed in 80 AD under the reign of the Emperor Titus and it was the … Continue reading

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The Arch of Constantine in Rome, Italy

The Arch of Constantine stands between the Roman Forum and the Colosseum in Rome, Lazio, Italy. The Roman Senate erected this arch in the year 315 AD to commemorate the victory of Constantine over Maxentius at the Milvian Bridge in … Continue reading

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The Main Altars and the Floor of the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter

The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the State of the Vatican City holds many altars, but the two main altars are the Papal Altar and the Altar of the Chair of Saint Peter. The Papal Altar is directly above … Continue reading

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