Category Archives: Daily Journal

The Piazza Navona in Rome

The Piazza Navona is a public plaza located on the site of the former Stadium of Domitian, popularly known as the Circus Agonalis. The centerpiece of the square is the Fountain of the Four Rivers (Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi) by … Continue reading

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More Art in the Pantheon in Rome

The Pantheon, like other Catholic Churches in Rome, Italy, is home to an impressive collection of art. Close to the entrance of the Pantheon, on the right as one enters, is a 1686 painting of The Madonna of the Girdle … Continue reading

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Altars, Chapels, and Art in the Pantheon in Rome

The Pantheon in Rome, Italy houses several altars and a number of paintings. Behind the high altar there is a copy of a 13th century icon of the Madonna. The altarpiece in the Chapel of the Madonna of Mercy is … Continue reading

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Tombs in the Pantheon, Rome

The Pantheon in Rome, Italy has the distinction of holding three important tombs. The first is that of the Italian painter and architect Raphael. Despite what Dan Brown wrote in his book Angels and Demons, Raphael’s tomb has always been … Continue reading

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The Pantheon and the Piazza della Rotonda in Rome

The Pantheon in Rome, Italy was originally built by Agrippa and rebuilt by Hadrian in 126 AD. Its name derives from the idea that it was a temple to all the gods, but that conclusion is not certain. It was … Continue reading

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Chapels of the Basilica of Saint Mary Above Minerva in Rome

The Basilica of Saint Mary Above Minerva, like many Catholic Churches, contains a number of chapels and altars. In fact, the Basilica of Saint Mary Above Minerva includes at least 22 chapels and altars. The Chapel of St. Pius V … Continue reading

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The Basilica of Saint Mary Above Minerva in Rome

From the outside, the Basilica of Saint Mary Above Minerva in Rome, Italy is a rather plain looking building. The basilica belongs to the Dominicans who began building the present structure in 1280 AD and completed it in 1370 AD. … Continue reading

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Changes to the Public Death Master File (DMF) and the Social Security Death Index (SSDI)

Effective today, 01 November 2011, the Social Security Administration (SSA) changed its policy on what records it will use as source material for adding new entries in the Public Death Master File (DMF) which, in turn, is used to create … Continue reading

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The Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Rome

The Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli (Saint Mary of the Altar of Heaven) stands atop the Capitoline Hill in Rome, Italy. It is the dedicated church of the Roman City Council (Senatus Populusque Romanus, SPQR) and it stands next … Continue reading

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The National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II in Rome

The National Monument to Victor Emmanuel II (Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II) is a favorite subject of scorn in Rome, Italy but, apparently, people love to hate the monument. Its gleaming white marble exterior can be seen for miles … Continue reading

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