Category Archives: Daily Journal

FTDNA Conference 2011 – Peter Hrechdakian

At the Seventh International Family Tree DNA Conference for Group Administrators, Peter Hrechdakian presented a talk entitled “The Armenian DNA Project”. Peter Hrechdakian SOURCE:  Peter Hrechdakian (Houston, Harris County, Texas); photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 05 November 2011. The … Continue reading

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FTDNA Conference 2011 – David Pike

At the Seventh International Family Tree DNA Conference for Group Administrators, David Pike, PhD presented a talk entitled “Phasing & Other Analysis of Family Finder Results”. David Pike SOURCE:  David Pike (Houston, Harris County, Texas); photographed by Stephen J. Danko … Continue reading

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FTDNA Conference 2011 – Bruce Walsh

At the Seventh International Family Tree DNA Conference for Group Administrators, Bruce Walsh, PhD presented a talk entitled “Genetic Genealogy Q&A”. I was particularly interested in this talk because, while I know quite a bit about Y-DNA and mitochondrial DNA … Continue reading

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FTDNA Conference 2011 – Spencer Wells

After introductory remarks by Bennett Greenspan and Max Blankfeld who announced, among other things, a new collaboration between Family Tree DNA and, Spencer Wells, PhD took the podium to present “Genographic Project Update: New from the Field.” Spencer Wells … Continue reading

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Seventh International Family Tree DNA Conference for Group Administrators

I attended the Seventh International Family Tree DNA Conference for Group Administrators which was held on 05 November 2011 – 06 November 2011. I am an administrator for five surname projects at Family Tree DNA:  Busi, Czwalga/Swalga, Danko, Dziurzynski, and … Continue reading

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Final Sights in the Roman Forum

As I prepared to leave the Roman Forum, the final sights I photographed were the Basilica of Maxentius, a series of arches between the Temple of Romulus and the Basilica of Maxentius, the Church of Santa Francesca Romana, and a … Continue reading

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The Palatine Hill

Atop the Palatine Hill are the remains of an ancient temple, presumably dedicated to Jupiter Stator. This temple was the site of Cicero’s first oration against Cataline in 63 BC. Around the niches, there are remnants of mosaics, and above … Continue reading

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The Farnese Gardens

The Palatine Hill overlooks the Roman Forum. The buildings of the Farnese Gardens can be seen from the Forum itself, and the approach to the Palatine Hill is through these buildings. The Farnese Gardens were constructed as a summer residence … Continue reading

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The Roman Forum – Part 6

The Arch of Titus was built in 81 AD by the Emperor Domatian to celebrate the deification of his deceased predecessor and brother, Titus. The arch is located at the east end of the Roman Forum, close to the Colosseum. … Continue reading

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The Roman Forum – Part 5

The Temple of Divus Romulus (Tempio di Romolo) in the Roman Forum was constructed to honor Romulus, the deified son of Emperor Maxentius in 309 AD. In the sixth century, the temple was converted into the vestibule for the Basilica … Continue reading

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