Yesterday, I wrote about a possible connection to my Dziurzyński ancestors that I discovered through the message boards . Of the 50 birth/baptism, marriage, and death records I have from the parish in Dubiecko, Poland, only three mention the Dziurzyńskis:
- The marriage record of my great grandparents, Jan Dziura and Magdalena Jara
- The birth/baptismal record of my uncle and Godfather, Jan (John) Dańko
- The birth/baptismal record of my aunt, Zofia (Sophie) Dańko
 Marriage Record of Jan Dziura and Magdalena Jara
The marriage record of my great grandparents Jan Dziura and Magdalena Jara was, as were all records from Galicia (the Austrian partition of Poland), written in Latin in a columnar format . The record, the second entry on this page, was recorded on page 229 of the register and states that:
- The couple was married on September 16, 1875
- The bride resided in the Dubiecko parish in house number 32
- The groom was from Sielnica [in Dylagowa parish]
- The groom was Jan Dziura, a farmer, son of Stanisław Dziura and Katarzyna Martowicz, a married couple who were farmers
- The groom was Catholic, 37 years old and a bachelor
- The bride was Magdalena Jara, widow of Jan Siwarski, daughter of Andreas Jara and Agnieszka Matwij, a married couple who were farmers
- The bride was Catholic, 30 years old, and a widow
- The witnesses were Jan Grzebieniak and Jan Kucz, farmers
- The banns of marriage were read in Dubiecko on October 31, November 1, and November 7, 1875
- The banns of marriage were also read in the groom’s parish of Dylagowa on November 15, 1875
- The groom resided in house number 72
This record shows that my great grandfather was from the village Sielnica in Dylągowa parish and my great grandmother was from Dubiecko parish . Moreover, it shows that my great grandmother had been previously married and was a widow at 30 years of age . This record also gives the names of my great great grandparents, and shows that in 1875, the family was using the surname Dziura, not Dziurzyński . As with most of the old records I have from Poland, I cut and pasted the relevant portions of this record into a Word document and then saved the record as a PDF file of the marriage.
Copyright © 2006 by Stephen J. Danko
I am looking for information on the Dziura family from Mecinka (Mencinka) Galica Poland. My Greatgrand Mother was Witoria Dziura married to J. Wroblewski. I beleive she has a sister named Anna Dziura.
If your tree connects these names please contact me.