Monthly Archives: July 2006

A Brief Biography of the Joseph Sarvetnick Family

With all the research I’ve conducted on the family of Jan Savitt over the past 12 days, I thought I’d put it all together to write a bit of a biography of the family .  In addition to the information … Continue reading

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World War II Draft Cards for David and Morris Savitt

The last two records for the Savitt family I was able to find are the World War II Draft Registration Cards for David and Morris Savitt .  These cards are from the “Old Men’s Draft” described in a previous post … Continue reading

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Where’s Morris?

Jan Savitt’s older brother Morris was listed with his parents and brothers in the 1910 US Census, but was missing from the enumeration of the same family in 1920 and 1930 .  So, where was he? In 1920, Morris is … Continue reading

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Josef Sarwetnik and the Kaiserin Auguste Victoria

Devi provided me with some additional information on her grandfather, Josef Sarwetnik (Joseph Savitt) that she obtained from her cousin .  The information was from her grandfather’s naturalization papers, which stated that Josef Sarwetnik arrived in New York on December 10, 1906 aboard … Continue reading

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World War I Draft Registrations of David Sarvetnick and David Savitt

In the 1930 Census Record for the Joseph Savitt family, there are two David Savitts listed .  One is the son of Joseph Savitt and the other is listed as the nephew of Joseph Savitt .  Both of these Davids … Continue reading

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The Immigration of David Sarewetnik

While searching for records on the immigration of Jan Savitt, I came across the 1911 Immigrant Passenger List for a David Sarwetnik .  Much to my surprise, this individual stated on the manifest that he was going to stay with … Continue reading

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Jan Savitt in the Census

Yesterday, I posted the 1930 US Census Record for Jan Savitt in order to discover if some of the biographical material about this famous bandleader of the 1930’s and 1940’s was correct . Â  The record showed that, in 1930, Jan Savitt’s … Continue reading

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The Bandleader’s Changing Birthdate

Earlier this week I received an email message from one of Jan Savitt’s children, Devi, asking for advice on how to research Jan’s Savitt’s family history .  We’ve exchanged a few messages this week so I could find out what was … Continue reading

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Cemetery Iconography and Designing Bronisława’s Monument

The first burial in what would become a shared grave for my Aunt Bronisława was made in 1912.  Now, 94 years later, a monument will be erected on the grave.  I have thought long and hard about how to design … Continue reading

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Finding the Third Infant

The third infant buried with my Aunt Bronisława in a single grave in Notre Dame Cemetery was difficult to research .  On the cemetery records, he name was listed as Franciszek Stonia and he was buried on August 30, 1914 … Continue reading

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