Monthly Archives: June 2006

Genealogy Message Boards

The web is full of them:  internet message boards where you can post a query and wait for the responses to come pouring in.  Of course, you have to find the right message board on which to post your question … Continue reading

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Detained Passengers and the Board of Special Inquiry

The Passenger Arrival Manifests that listed Antoni Siborowski and his family showed that several of the passengers were detained or held for review by a Board of Special Inquiry .  Why were these actions taken?  The passengers listed on lines … Continue reading

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A New Look at Immigrant Passenger Manifests

Many people have found the Passenger Arrival Manifests for their Immigrant Ancestors on the Ellis Island Records site.  I have found the Passenger manifests for all of my grandparents and several other relatives.  Only recently, however, have I started to … Continue reading

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Finding the Ancestral Village of the Skowronskis

A few days ago, I showed the World War II Selective Service Registration Cards for Alexander and Paul Skowronski.  Yesterday, I showed the Ellis Island Passenger Manifest for the same two brothers.  Today, I have the World War I Selective … Continue reading

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Alexander Skowronski and the S.S. Graf Waldersee

When the Ellis Island Records database first came online several years ago, I rapidly found the passenger manifest for my grandfather Michael Danko, but had difficulty finding the manifest for my grandmother Mary Danko, who arrived a few years later … Continue reading

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Kathy Smith’s Trip to Poland

Today, I’m presenting a GuestBlog from Kathy Smith who found my Blog just before she left for Dubiecko, Poland .  The night before she left for Poland, Kathy called me and we had an interesting conversation about my trip to Dubiecko several … Continue reading

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More World War II Draft Registration Cards

On April 26, 2006, I posted an entry about the World War II Selective Service Registration Cards .  The Family History Library (FHL) holds 166 microfilm reels of World War II Selective Service System Registration Cards for the state of … Continue reading

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Sunrise in San Francisco

This morning, I snapped some photos of the sunrise.  I hope everyone enjoys them, and with no further words, here they are. Copyright © 2006 by Stephen J. Danko

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Antoni's Homestead Claim Approved

By the end of June 1883, Antoni Tarnowski had applied for a land claim in Minnesota under the Homestead Act, had filed an affidavit that he was qualified to do so, had paid the initial fees, had lived on the land for six years and submitted proof thereof, had become an American citizen, and had provided the testimony of himself and two witnesses that he had acted in good faith. Only a few more details remained. Continue reading

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Antoni Proves His Claim

On January 15, 1884, Antoni Tarnowski received his Land Patent under the Homestead Act. Seven years earlier, he had prepared an Application for homesteading a specific piece of land. He also completed an Affidavit that he was over 21 years old and had submitted his Declaration of Intention to become a Citizen of the United States. In return for an application fee of $14, he received a Receipt. Continue reading

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