Monthly Archives: April 2006

Heading to Salt Lake City

My flight to Salt Lake City leaves from Oakland at 7:30 PM tonight. I’m all packed, but I’m not sure I’ve ever really been ready for a genealogy research trip. Continue reading

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Three New Pages

Thanks for the kind comments people have left me both on the blog and elsewhere. It’s nice to get some feedback! Last night I started to set up the actual website. You can connect to the webpages using the links on the right side of the blogpage. The three webpages are listed under Steve’s Genealogy Web. Continue reading

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First Day of My New Website

I’ve wanted to start a genealogy website for a while, and I’ve also wanted to start a blog to record my genealogy activities. So, after some encouragement from one of my classmates in an online class at, here it is. Continue reading

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