Category Archives: Daily Journal

To the Airport with a One-Two Punch

With a one-two punch, Albany, New York received about a foot of snow this morning and is expecting another 6 inches on tomorrow. I’m not worried about tomorrow – I’ll be in California. Snow in the Morning – Albany, New … Continue reading

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A New Year's Eve Snowfall

As I try to squeeze as many family treasures as possible into my suitcases, the snow has begun to fall again in upstate New York. This snowstorm started on 30 December and will last until about mid-day on New Year’s … Continue reading

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Kodak's Brownie Hawkeye Camera

Another family treasure I found while cleaning out the attic at the family home was a Brownie Hawkeye camera. The Brownie Hawkeye with Flash Attachment SOURCE: The Brownie Hawkeye with Flash Attachment. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 30 Dec … Continue reading

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Goodbye to the Family Home

My sister, my brother-in-law, and I spent quite a bit of time this past week cleaning out the family home. The latest news is that the sale of the property should be completed next week. The Front of the Family … Continue reading

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A Playbill in the Attic

While cleaning out the attic at the family home in Albany, New York, I found this copy of Playbill. Continue reading

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Towels in the Attic

While cleaning out the attic of the house in which my sisters and I grew up, we found these two towels. SOURCE: Embroidered Towels. Photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 27 December 2007. I believe these are linen. They are … Continue reading

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Catechism for the Catholic Parochial Schools of the United States

My sister is preparing to close the sale of the house in which we grew up. Selling the house has certainly been an event full of mixed emotions. Despite the fact that our family has owned the house since 1961, … Continue reading

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A Christmas Gift from the 1964-1965 New York World's Fair

This year, my sisters and I agreed to limit our Christmas gifts to each other to $25. Not a problem. Christmas shopping would be a bit more selective, that’s all, I thought. My younger sister certainly outdid herself, though. When … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Journal | 2 Comments

The Firm of Meleski & Niedzialkoski in 1924

My grandmother’s half-brother, Joseph Meleski was listed in the Worcester, Massachusetts Directory in 1924. Continue reading

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'Twas the Night Before Christmas

I asked my father and sisters what we did for Christmas Eve when we were young but, oddly enough, none of us remembered the same things. While my family can’t really agree how we spent Christmas Eve when we were young, I remember that … Continue reading

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