The Marriage of André Poirier and Philomí¨ne Bourgeois – 1874

On 24 Aug 1874, André Poirier and Philomí¨ne Bourgeois were married in the parish of St. Joseph in Shédiac, New Brunswick, Dominion of Canada.

The Marriage Record of Andre Poirier and Philomene Bourgeois - 1874

The Marriage Record of André Poirier and Philomí¨ne Bourgeois – 1874

SOURCE: Gabriel Drouin, comp. Drouin Collection. Montréal, Québec, Canada: Institut Généalogique Drouin. Shédiac, New Brunswick, Dominion of Canada, 1874. Marriage Record of André Poirier and Philomí¨ne Bourgeois, page 30.

Click on the image above to enlarge it. Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Marriage Record of André Poirier and Philomí¨ne Bourgeois – 1874. Translated from the French the record reads:

M[arriage]. 10
André Poirier and Philomí¨ne Bourgeois

          On the twenty-eighth of August one-thousand eight-hundred seventy-four, considering the dispensation of four with the fourth degree of consanguinity as thus the dispensation of two banns of publication accorded by us under the terms of the capacities granted to us by his eminence T- Sweeney, Bishop of St. Jean, N[ew] B[runswick]. Considering also the publication of one bann of marriage made at the homily of our parish mass between André Poirier, son of legal age of Simon Poirier and Henriette Arsenault of this parish of the first part and Philomí¨ne Bourgeois, daughter under legal age of Armand Bourgeois and Modeste Foster of the parish of Grande Digue (Visitation) of the second part. Not finding any other impediment to marriage and having the consent of the parents of the daughter, We the undersigned parish priest, having received their mutual consent for marriage and having given them the nuptial benediction in the presence of Napoleon Bourgue, Obeline Poirier and others.
                                                        P.Beaudet, priest/c.s.c.

This marriage record is more complicated than most because, from what I can tell from my limited knowledge of French, it includes a discussion of the fact that André Poirier and Philomí¨ne Bourgeois are related to each other and had to receive a dispensation in order to marry . 

This record can be found as image 37/260 in the Acadia French Catholic Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1670-1946 on as part of the records for Shédiac 1863-1899. The record appears on page 30.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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