The Carnival of Eastern European Genealogy

The tenth edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy has been posted at Jessica’s Genejournal.

The next edition will be hosted here at Steve’s Genealogy Blog. The topic will be:

First (Given) Names: Did any of your ancestors have an unusual given name? Have you discovered the meanings behind the given names of your ancestors? Did your ancestors use any naming patterns for their children? Are there any given names that are particularly common in your family history? Did any of your ancestors have given names that you particularly like or dislike? Does your family celebrate “Name Days”? Did your immigrant ancestors change their given names after they arrived in America? Tell us about the first (given) names in your family. You can concentrate on one name, a few names, or you can go wild and write about the first names of all your ancestors!

Submit your article by midnight PDT on Sunday, September 21 using the Carnival Submission Form.

Copyright © 2008 by Stephen J. Danko

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