The Death and Burial of Tomasz Niedziałkowski – 1826

My great-great-great-great grandfather, Tomasz Niedziałkowski, died in 1826 .  His was the 52nd death in the Krasne Parish that year.

Death Record for Tomasz Niedzialkowski

The Death Record for Tomasz Niedziałkowski

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Death and Burial Record for Tomasz Niedziałkowski – 1862 .  The record, translated from the Polish, states:

52 .  Mosaki Godacze  This happened in the church-owned village of Krasne on the seventeenth of December one thousand eight hundred twenty six at two in the afternoon there presented themselves the well-born Józef Niedziałkowski, age twenty-five and Leon Chotkowski, age twenty-five, owners of the noble part, both living in Mosaki Godzcze of the Krasne Parish and stated that on this day at seven in the morning, in his home at number three, the well-born Tomasz Niedziałkowski died, a country-squire, age seventy-two, residing in Mosaki Godacze, leaving behind his widowed wife Cecylia née Chotkowska .  After visual confirmation of the death of Niedziałkowski, this document was read aloud to those appearing, of whom the first is the son of the deceased, it was signed by us those appearing to the document are unable to read.

Reverend Norbert Zalewski, Preacher, Krasne Parish

This record names the Tomasz’ wife, Cecylia Chotkowska, and his son, Józef Niedzialkowski .  It also names Leon Chotkowski, likely a relative of Cecylia .  In this record, Józef and Leon are both described as “well-born” and “owners of the noble part” of the village, and Tomasz is described as “well-born” and “a country squire”.

The record further identifies where Tomasz died:  “in his home at number three”, suggesting that his home may have been either close to the center of the village or at one edge of the village since the numbering of houses often started in one of those two places .  In Polish villages, the houses were numbered, but the streets were not named .  The house number was sufficient to uniquely identify each house.

The Priest who prepared the record described himself as “Kaznodzieja”, meaning “Preacher” .  This is the first record in which I’ve seen a Polish Priest describe himself as a preacher.

1Copyright © 2006-2019 by Stephen J. Danko

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