The Polish Village of Boby

The Polish village of Boby lies close to the village of Pomaski where my grandfather lived. I previously had translated the Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego entry for Pomaski, but I have decided to translate the entries for neighboring villages in order to get a better understanding of what the area where my grandfather grew up was like.

Slownik Geograficzny Entry for the Polish Village of Boby

Słownik Geograficzny Entry for Boby

Source:  Sulimierski, Filip, Bronisław Chlebowski, and Władysław Walewski, eds., Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i Innych Krajów Słowiańskich (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavonic Countries) – Warsaw 1880, Volume I, page 268.

Click on the link for a PDF copy of the Słownik Geograficzny entry for the Polish village of Boby. Translated from the Polish, the entry states the following:

Boby, 1.) a village and folwark [large manorial farmstead], Janów Lubelski powiat [district], Szierzkowice gmina [municipality], Boby parish, about 10 versts [0.66 miles per verst] to the southwest of Urzędów, to the left of the road from Urzędów to Opole, in a valley in the middle of hills; it has a wooden parish church. The Boby parish of the Janów deanery has 2958 souls .  2.) B[oby], an administrative village, Pułtusk powiat, Kleszewo gmina, Szwelice parish. In the year 1827, there were 14 homes and 114 inhabitants here.
                                                                            Br[onisław] Ch[lebowski]

Boby, a village, Ihumeń powiat, Omelańska gmina, in the vicinity of Błuży, in the 3rd judicial district; a remote deforested part of Ihumień.
                                                                            Al[eksander] Jel[ski]

There are, in fact, three entries for villages named Boby. In the first main entry, village 1.) is in the Janów Lubelski powiat in the Lublin gubernia and entry 2.) is in the Pułtusk powiat in the Łomża gubernia. In the second main entry, the village is in the Ihumień powiat in the Minsk gubernia.

Since I know that the correct village is in the Łomża gubernia and is part of the Szwelice parish, entry 2.) in the first main entry is the correct village.

Like the entries for Pomaski and Głodki, the Słownik Geograficzny doesn’t have much to say about this very small village. But just look at the demographics for the village of Boby: 14 homes and 114 inhabitants! That averages out to a little over 8 people in each home!

Copyright © 2007 by Stephen J. Danko

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