Via dell’ Abbondanza and Vicola della Maschera in Pompeii, Italy

Continuing west on Via dell’ Abbondanza, we pass the entrance to the Stabian Baths on the right (VII.1.8). Looking north from the entrance, we see the gymnasium and the east side of the portico. A litter farther west and on the other side of the street is the house of Holconius Rufus (VIII.4.4). Looking south from the atrium (reception room), through the tablinum (study), we can see the peristyle (the garden).

Turning right onto Vicolo della Maschera, we reach a fountain in front of a woolen mill (VII.11.5). Across the street, on the corner of Vicolo della Maschera and Vicolo del Balcone Pensile, is a shop (VII.10.10).

The Stabian Baths

The Stabian Baths

SOURCE:  The Stabian Baths (Pompeii, Campania, Italy); photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 08 August 2011.

The House of Holconius Rufus

The House of Holconius Rufus

SOURCE:  The House of Holconius Rufus (Pompeii, Campania, Italy); photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 08 August 2011.

Fountain in Front of the Woolen Mill

Fountain in Front of the Woolen Mill

SOURCE:  Fountain in Front of the Woolen Mill (Pompeii, Campania, Italy); photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 08 August 2011.



SOURCE: Shop (Pompeii, Campania, Italy); photographed by Stephen J. Danko on 08 August 2011.

Copyright © 2011 by Stephen J. Danko

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